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1delegate [deligit] n.代表,会议代表 vt.委派…为代表;授权 例句:They drafted her to serve as their delegate.他们选她当代表。 The Chinese people delegate their power to the Peoples Congress.中国人民授权人民代表大会。 2 majority[?k?risp?nd?ns] n.信件;通信(联系);符合,一致,相似 例句:He showed me all the correspondence relating to the matter.他把与这件事有关的全部信件都给我看了。 What she has just said isnt in correspondence with the views of the majority.她刚才所说的同大多数人所持的观点不一致。 3 historic [hist?rik] a.历史上著名的,具有历史意义的 例句:This is a historic occasion.这是具有重大历史意义的时刻。 We are living in a great historic era.我们正处在一个伟大的历史时代。 4 expel[ikspel] vt.把…开除;驱逐,放逐;排出,喷出 例句:They were told at first that they should simply expel the refugees.一开始有人告诉他们应该直接将那些难民驱逐出境。 The headmaster may expel the boy from the school.校长可能要把那个男孩从学校开除。 5 cripple[kripl] n.跛子,伤残人(或动物)vt.使跛;严重削弱 例句:It is wrong to make fun of a cripple.嘲笑残疾人是不对的。 His first task was to cripple the enemy at sea.他的首要任务是使海上的敌人失去战斗力。 6 empirical[empirik?l] a.以经验(或观察)为依据的,经验(主义)的 例句:There is no empirical evidence to support his thesis.他的论文缺乏实验证据的支持。 We now have empirical evidence that the moon is covered with dust.现在我们有实践经验证明月球上布满了灰尘。 7 ruthless[ru:θlis] a.无情的,冷酷的,残忍的;坚决彻底的 例句:Fascists is the most ruthless enemy of the people.法西斯是人民最残酷无情的敌人。 The ruthless enemy killed the old lady.残忍的敌人杀害了那位老太太。 8 transition[tr?nzi??n] n.转变,变迁;过渡 例句:Adolescence is the period of transition between childhood and adulthood.青春期是童年与成年之间的过渡时期。 They all support a peaceful transition.他们全部都支持和平过渡。 9 refugee[?refjud?i:] n.难民,流亡者 例句:The refugee was condemned to a life of wandering.这个难民注定要过流浪的生活。 The refugee is suffering for want of food and medical supplies.难民苦于缺少食物和医药用品。 10 boom[bu:m] n.隆隆声vt.vt.发隆隆声 例句:The country is having a great boom in industry.这个国家的工业正蓬勃发展。 Boom!Boom!Boom!A series of explosions shook the valley.轰!轰!轰!一连串爆破声震撼山谷。 11 knob[n?b] n.球形把手,球形柄;旋钮;小块 例句:There is a knob of butter on the table.桌子上有一小块黄油。 This knob is only held on by sellotape.这个旋钮只是用透明胶带固定住。 12 sober[s?ub?] adj. 清醒的, 沉着冷静的, 稳重的, 颜色暗淡的; vt.


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