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乳腺是皮下结构,包括乳腺,纤维组织,脂肪组织。在皮肤上覆盖乳晕以及乳头。 The portion of the breast that extends toward or into the underarm or axilla is referred to as the axillary tail of the breast or the tail of Spence. 乳房延伸至腋下部分称为腋尾。 有一层结缔组织称为乳腺浅筋膜, 它覆盖乳腺实体组织. 乳房位于胸腔前表面, 被下面的肋骨和肌肉支撑.在乳腺的下方是胸小肌. 胸小肌是较小, 位置较深的肌肉. 在乳房的旁侧和后侧的较宽的胸大肌. A layer of connective tissue called the superficial fascia of the breast surrounds the parenchyma of the breast. The breast lies on the anterior surface of the thoracic cage supported by the underlying ribs and muscles. Immediately deep to the breast are the pectoralis muscles. The pectoralis minor is a smaller more deeply situated muscle. The pectoralis major muscle is a broad muscle that lies adjacent and immediately posterior to the breast. The pectoralis major and minor muscles are both surrounded by a layer of fascia referred to as deep fascia. The superficial layer of the deep fascia of the pectoralis major muscle is in contact with the deep layer of the superficial fascia that surrounds the breast. These two surfaces normally glide over one another allowing a woman‘s breast to move. If anything were to occur that prevented this type of normal motion the breast becomes immobile and is referred to as “fixed”. Specifically, this situation may occur if a cancer grows from the breast into these layers. 胸大肌和胸小肌被深筋膜包裹。 胸大肌深筋膜的表面接触到包裹乳腺的浅筋膜的深层。 The arterial blood supply to the breast originates from branches of the axillary, internal thoracic and subclavian arteries. The venous drainage of the breast empties into branches of the internal thoracic, axillary and intercostal veins. 乳腺血供来自腋窝、胸内和锁骨下动脉。静脉引流自胸内、腋窝和肋间静脉。 Lymph is a fluid that filters between the cells of tissue and then drains into its own set of transport channels. Lymph fluid may carry infectious organisms, toxins or cancerous cells. The channels that carry the lymph fluid are referred to as lymphatics. These lymphatics usually travel near or with the vascular supply of a tissue. Small lymphatics drai


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