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Advanced English 1. Research Work 2. Title of the Text 3. Background 4. Aims of Teaching 5. Structure 6. Detailed Study 7. Summary 8. Figuration 9. Exercise 10. Quiz 11. Readings 12. Homework Information searched before class Ideas about the text 1. Japan: National Name: Nippon Geography: Four main islands: Honshu (本州), Hokkaido (北海道), Kyushu (九州), and Shikoku (四国) Area: 371,857 sq.km. Population: 122,700,000 (1988). Capital: Tokyo Monetary unit: Yen Government: Parliament consists of a house of Representatives of 511 members elected for four years, and a house of Councilors of 252. members, half of whom elected every three years for six-year terms. Executive power is vested in the Cabinet, which is headed by a Prime Minister, nominated by the Diet from its members. 2. Hiroshima: a seaport, capital of Hiroshima prefecture in southwest Japan. Population 541,834. On Aug.6,1945, Hiroshima was the first city to be struck by an atomic bomb, dropped by the U.S. air force.Almost 130,000 people were killed, injured or missing , and 90%of the city was leveled. Much of the city has been reconstructed, but a gutted section of the city has been set aside as a “Peace City” to illustrate the effect of an atomic bomb. Since 1955, an annual World conference against nuclear weapon has met in Hiroshima. The Japanese dedicated post-war Hiroshima to peace The ruins were preserved as a symbol of the terror of destruction. A monument was constructed. A Peace Park was built. A museum was set up. A special hospital treating people who suffered from the radiation was constructed. 3.The building of the atomic bomb is called the Manhattan Project by the U.S. 4.On July 16,1945 the first atomic bomb, nicknamed Fat Man was tested in Southern New Mexico of the U.S. 5.Little boy is the name given by the American government to the first bomb to be dropped over Hiroshima. 6. Atomic Bomb: the explosion produces great amounts of hea


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