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* * 词 汇 第2讲 大纲词汇 d - g 1. delay n.[C U]耽搁 搭配: without delay v. (1) 推迟;延缓 搭配: delay+v. -ing (2) 耽误;阻塞;拖延 搭配: seriously/badly/slightly, etc. delayed (1)(使)发达;(使)发展;(使)成长;(使)发育;(使)启发 She has developed into a beautiful woman. 2. develop v. (2) 开发(土地、资源、新产品) We need to develop solar energy even further. (3) 慢慢地养成(习惯);培养(兴趣、嗜好等) I developed the habit of eating between meals. 3. damage n. 损害,损失,伤害 搭配:cause/do damage to His careless remark did damage to his reputation. v. 损害,伤害 Smoking can damage your health. 4. discount n. 折扣 搭配①: at a discount 打折扣;不值钱的;不受重视的 搭配②: offer/give sb a discount v. (1) 不重视;不理会 The old model worker’s rich experience is not to be discounted. (2) 打折扣 Games were discounted to as little as $5. 5. discourage v. (2)打消(做······的念头),劝阻(行为) 搭配:discourage sb from doing sth Her parents tried to discourage her from becoming a singer. (1)使(某人)气馁,使沮丧 The third failure discouraged him utterly. 6. demand v.(1)要求, 请求(权利) 搭配①: demand+n.+from/of+n. 搭配②: demand to do 搭配③: demand+that-clause (2)(某事物)需要 ······ The work demands a great deal of care. 6. demand n.(1)要求,请求 The factory owner refused the workers’ demands. (2)a need 需要 Is there much/a great demand for these goods? 短语:in demand 有需要的;吃香的 7. declare v. (1)宣告 ······, 发表; 布告 ······, 公告 They will declare the results of the election soon. (2)断言 ······, 言明, 声明 She declared that she was right. 8. distribute v. (1) 分发,分配 搭配: distribute sth among /to sb (2) 散布,分布 This species of dolphin is widely distributed throughout the world. (3) 分类,分区 搭配: be widely/evenly distributed 9. Embarrass v. (1) 使窘迫, 使尴尬 搭配①: be/feel embarrassed 搭配②: It embarrassed sb to do sth (2) 使陷入困境,使困惑 Embarrassed by his heavy luggage, he could not walk fast. 10. entire adj. (entirely adv.) (only before noun) used when you want to emphasize that you mean all of a group, period of time, amount, etc. 整个的;全部的;整套的 It was the worst day in my entire life. 11. Especially adv. (1) 特别地;格外地 I never liked long walks, especial


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