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Thinking Like an Economist 像经济学家一样思考 Chapter 2 Every field of study has its own terminology 每个研究领域都有自己的语言 Every field of study has its own terminology 每个研究领域都有自己的语言 Economics trains you to. . . . Think in terms of alternatives. Evaluate the cost of individual and social choices. Examine and understand how certain events and issues are related. 经济学训练你. . . . 从不同的角度思考问题。 评估个人和社会选择的成本。 检查和理解一些事件和问题是如何相互关联的。 The Economist as a Scientist 作为科学家的经济学家 The economic way of thinking . . . 经济学思考方法… Involves thinking analytically and objectively. 客观地分析与思考。 Makes use of the scientific method. 利用科学的方法。 The Scientific Method Uses abstract models to help explain how a complex, real world operates. Develops theories, collects, and analyzes data to prove the theories. 科学方法 利用抽象的模型帮助解释复杂的真实世界如何运行。 形成理论,收集并分析数据来验证理论。 The Role of Assumptions Economists make assumptions in order to make the world easier to understand. The art in scientific thinking is deciding which assumptions to make. Economists use different assumptions to answer different questions. 假设的作用 为了使这个世界更容易理解,经济学家做一些假设。 科学思考的艺术就是决定作出什么样的假设。 经济学家利用不同的假设来回答不同的问题。 The Economic Way of Thinking Includes developing abstract models from theories and the analysis of the models. Uses two approaches: 经济学思考方法 利用理论建立抽象的模型,然后进一步分析模型。 利用两种方法: Economic Models Economists use models to simplify reality in order to improve our understanding of the world Two of the most basic economic models include: 经济模型 经济学家利用模型来简化真实世界,使我们更好地理解这个世界。 两个最基本的经济学模型是: The Circular-Flow Model 经济循环流向图 The circular-flow model is a simple way to visually show the economic transactions that occur between households and firms in the economy. 循环流向图——一个直观地说明一个经济体内家庭和企业之间的经济交易行为的简单方式。 The Circular-Flow Diagram 经济循环图 Figure 1 The Circular Flow The Circular-Flow Diagram 经济循环流向图 The Circular-Flow Diagram 经济循环图 The Circular-Flow Diagram 经济循环图 Factors of Production 生产要素 Inputs used to produce goods and services 用于生产物品与劳务的投入 Land, labor, and capi


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