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附 录 PAGE 16 PAGE 35 外文资料翻译 Every day a signi?cant percentage of drivers in single-occupancy vehicles search for a parking space. Additionally, less experienced drivers or out-of-towners further contribute to the increase of traffic congestion. Search for a vacant parking space is a typical example of a search process. Every parking search strategy is composed of a set of vague rules. It is usually difficult to describe these rules explicitly. The type of the planned activity, time of a day, day of the week, current congestion on particular routes, knowledge of city streets, and potentially available parking places have signi?cant in?uence on a chosen parking search strategy. On the other hand, the drivers usually discover diffierent parking alternatives one by one in a temporal sequence. Clearly, this temporal sequence has a very strong in?uence on the drivers ?nal decision about the parking place[19]. During the past two decades, traffic authorities in many cities (Helsinki, Cologne, Mainz, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Aalborg, Hague) have started to inform and guide drivers to parking facilities with real-time var-iable message signs [directional arrows, names of the parking facilities, status (full, not full, number of available parking spaces, etc.)]. Information about the number of available parking spaces could be displayed on the major roads, streets and intersections, or it could be distributed through the Internet. It is logical to ask the question about the bene?ts of the parking guidance systems. Current practice shows that parking guidance systems usually do not change the occupancy rate or average parking duration. Drivers easily become familiar with the parking guidance systems, and majority of them use, thrust and appreciate the help of the systems[20].Guidance systems signi?cantly increase the probability of finding vacant parking space, mitigate frustration of the drivers–visitors unfamiliar with the city center, decrease the queues in front of parking g


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