新编大学英语视听说教程第二版第一册听力原文-Unit One.doc

新编大学英语视听说教程第二版第一册听力原文-Unit One.doc

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新编大学英语视听说教程第二版第一册听力原文-Unit One

第 PAGE 28 页 共 NUMPAGES 28 页 Unit One Personal Relationships(1) Part One Viewing, Understanding, and Speaking Video Script Julia: Oh, my God! Hi, guys. How are you? Sorry to keep you waiting for long. Hows life? Youre OK? Here we go. Mike: I really do. It seems to work that way. Julia: Thanks. Mike: So how are you? Julia: Im fine. How are you? Mike: Good. Good. Julia: So what were you guys talking about? Carlos: We were just talking about the ideal roommate. Julia: Oh. Jane: Julia, you have three roommates. Julia: Oh, yeah. Jane: What do you think makes an ideal roommate? Julia: Hmm. Well, I want my roommate to be a neat person, as I want everything to be in order. I dont like to see our rooms in a mess. Mike: You want a neat person. Id like my roommate to be very thoughtful. This is important because people who live together need to help each other. For example, if I were sick and it was my turn to clean the living room, my roommate would do it for me. And I would not hesitate to ask him to do a favor for me. In fact, Im lucky. Ive a roommate like that right now. Carlos: So you mean you like a helpful roommate, and he can always give you a hand when you are in trouble. If you ask me, I would like someone who is interesting. Jane: You mean who shares your interests? Carlos: Not only that. I mean he is really intelligent and interested in learning new things. He has different experiences from me and can share ideas with me. This roommate and I, we would immediately tell each other everything, and in this way become closer. Its a natural closeness, not something we have to work on. So just give me somebody really intelligent, and we can work together. Julia: So you are actually looking for a friend, not a roommate. A roommate doesnt have to be your best friend. If you have such high expectations of him, you might be disappointed. A roommate is different from a friend. If you want to look for a friend, he doesnt have to be your roommate. Jane: So far


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