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72 2010 ,46 (21 ) Computer Engineering and Applications 计算机工程与应用 基于SWRL 的软件需求一致性验证方法 胡海波,张 雷 HU Hai-bo ,ZHANG Lei 重庆大学 软件学院,重庆 400044 School of Software Engineering ,Chongqing University ,Chongqing 400044 ,China E-mail :oram@ HU Hai-bo ,ZHANG Lei.Verifying software requirements with ontology and semantic Web rule language.Computer En- gineering and Applications ,2010 ,46 (21 ):72-75. Abstract :The quality of requirements analysis is critical to ensure the quality of software system.Requirement elicitation and analysis can be facilitated by semantic technologies and domain ontology.A method for verifying software requirements with ontology and Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL)is proposed ,where domain ontology acts as a basis and plays sig- nificant role in requirement semantics ,and can be developed to represent shared knowledge and reusable requirements to im- prove software requirements specification.Requirements specification which is processed with natural language can be decom- posed and refined into a set of atomic requirement items which are represented with triple tuple of semantic elements in do- main ontology.The mapping of semantic requirement items with concepts and their relationships to the domain ontology leads to a set of inference rules which are represented by SWRL to verify the consistency of requirements specification.The process of requirements verification is defined in order to evaluate the quality of requirements specification and it is ana- lyzed and validated with an experimental case study. Key words :requirement decomposition ;domain ontology ;Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL);formal method ;requirements verification 摘 要:需求质量已经成为确保软件项目成功的一个重要因素,对复杂软件系统的需求进行检查和验证,是需求工程中非常重要的 工作。在基于领域本体的需求获取和分析等相关工作基础上,提出了一种基于本体和语义规则的需求一致性验证方法,将自然语言 描述的需求分解成若干结构良好的最小需求项,使用领域本体的概念模型对其进行形式化和结构化的表示。通过领域本体中的知 识来映射需求语义,采用语义万维网规则语言(SWRL)来定义需求一致性验证的推理规则,并通过实例对此方法进行了分析和验证。 关键词:需求分解;领域本体;采用语义万维网规则语言(SWRL);形式化方法;


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