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* Unit 3 Digital campus Section A College life in the Internet age 互联网时代的大学生活 New words campus All freshmen students live on campus. When they are in their second year at college, they may live off campus. 2. fleet a fleet of ambulances 救护车队 He sat in the back yard in the sun, watching a fleet of white clouds overhead. 他坐在后院晒太阳,看着天上的朵朵白云。 3. access access to + n. 大学的学生和教职员工可以免费试用那个机房。 Students and faculty in the university have free access to the computer lab. 4. accessible He has made some attempts to make opera accessible to a wider public. 他作了一些尝试,想让歌剧能有更多的受众。 5. device medical / control / protection device 医疗/控制 /防护设备 Writing the new words on cards and reading them everyday is a useful device of English learning. 6. sophisticated Her extensive social experience is what makes her so sophisticated. 正式她丰富的社会经验使她变得很老练。 sophisticated equipment 尖端设备,高级设备 7. adopt adopt a positive attitude 采取积极的态度 adopt an orphan 收养一名孤儿 8. indispensable Good dictionaries are indispensable in English learning. 对英语学习来说,好词典是必不可少的。 9. outline the outline of the story The outlines of animals were cut into the rock. 动物的外形被刻在岩石上。 10. regulate 必须采取法律和经济手段来管理食品行业。 Legal and economic measures should be taken to regulate the food industry. regulate the pace of this watch 校对这块表 11. estimate estimate the cost of this project 估算项目成本 estimated a. The estimated population of this small town is about 15,000. 据估计,这个小镇的人口有1.5万人。 12. inferior It is stupid to think that women are inferior in intelligence to men. 认为女性的智力不如男性是愚蠢的。 13. inferiority 没有科学证据证明种族有优劣的说法。 There is no scientific evidence to support claims of racial superiority to inferiority. 14. complex Oedipus complex 俄狄浦斯情结 inferiority complex 自卑情结;自卑感 An inferiority complex is very harmful to you and is the greatest obstacle to success. 自卑感对你非常有害,它是成功路上最大的障碍。 The stock market is an attractive and relatively complex part of the business world. 股票市场是商业领域中具有吸引力而且较为复杂的一部分。 15. peer His pleasant personality made him po



