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4 1 5 Vol. 41, No. 5 2011 5 LASER INFRARED M ay, 2011 : 2011) 光纤技术 杨 颖1, 2 ( 1. , 276005; 2. , 20009 ) : 基于光纤光栅的模式耦合理论, 用德拜势能法对纤芯包层内的电磁场进 矢量分析, 得到纤芯及各包层中的各矢量场分量的表达式, 求解出纤芯和包层模的耦合常数和有效折射 率后, 利用数值积分的方法通过求解耦合模方程得到光纤光栅的透射率积分法是 一种较为 精确的求解透射谱方法, 为长周期光纤光栅的优化设计和其在光纤通信光纤传感领域的高精 度测量提供理论依据 : 耦合模理论; 德拜势能法; 长周期光纤光栅; 积分法 : TN25 : A Study on transm ission spectrum of long period fiber grating using integralm ethod YANG Y ing ( 1. School of E lectron ic Inform ation, L inyiUn ivers ity, L inyi 276005, China; 2. Laboratory of Photoelectric Functional Film Sensors, College of Science, Un iversity of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 20009 , Ch ina) A b stract: Based on the coupled m ode theory, the electrom agnetic fields in core and cladding of longperiod fiber grat ing are analyzed using Debye potentialm ethod. The vector expression of the field com ponen ts in the core and the clad ding are obtained. A fter solving the effective refractive index and the coupling constants of the core and cladding m odes, transm ission spectrum is got through solving the couped m ode equation by num erical integration m ethod. The integralm ethod is an accuratem ethod for solving transm ission spectrum. The research provides theoretical foundation for optmi ization and h igh sensitive measurem ent in the fields of optic fiber comm un ications and sensors. K ey w ords: coupledmode theory; Debye potential method; longperiod fiber grating; in tegralm ethod 1 , AT


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