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微生物学通报 APR 20, 2012, 39(4): 572−577 Microbiology China © 2012 by Institute of Microbiology, CAS tongbao@ 高校教改纵横 PBL 教学法在医学微生物学中的应用探索与体会 * 李晓华 黄小凤 曾怡 黄衍强 赵丽娟 韦红玉 (右江民族医学院 微生物学与免疫学教研室 广西 百色 533000) 摘 要: 在医学微生物学教学改革实践中, 对传统讲授式教学与 PBL 教学进行比较。结 果显示 PBL 法教学组学生的分析题成绩、理论成绩、总成绩均比传统讲授教学组好, 差 异有高度显著性(P0.01) 。在PBL 实践过程中发现影响其教学效果的主要因素有: 教师和 学生角色转变的困难; 学生易受非重要问题的困扰; 时间和硬件设备的缺乏; 考核方式 不完善。由此, 提出相应的对策, 以获得更好的教学效果。 关键词: PBL, 医学微生物学, 影响因素, 对策 A study on application of PBL in medical microbiology teaching * LI Xiao-Hua HUANG Xiao-Feng ZENG Yi HUANG Yan-Qiang ZHAO Li-Juan WEI Hong-Yu (1. Department of Microbiology and Immunology , Youjiang Medical University for Nationalities, Baise , Guangxi 533000, China) Abstract: In the reform of medical microbiology teaching, Problem Based Learning (PBL) was compared to traditional tuitional methods. The result indicated that the PBL group’s scores of analysis problems, scores of theories and the total scores in examinations were significantly higher (P0.01) than those of the traditional group. In the PBL teaching practice, major factors influencing teaching effect were found as the following: difficulties of role changing between teachers and students, student being easily puzzled by secondary problems, shortage of time and equipments, and defects in assessment methods. Therefore, corresponding countermea- sures are provided


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