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留学基金委英语统考口试题目汇编 Section 1 Giving personal information 1. Where are you from? Would you please say something about your hometown? I’m from Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, which is located in the east of China and well-known for its pleasant climate and beautiful scenery. It is a historic city, full of energy and incredibly clean. Most of all, I really enjoy the weather with its four distinct seasons—snowy in the winter, windy and rainy in the spring, hot and humid in the summer and the mild, colorful fall. (But I’ve been living in Chendu for the last ten years. I think Chengdu is also an amazing city, where there are a variety of delicious foods, such as bean curd and Zhangfei beef jerky. In winter, it is not very cold. And in summer it is not very hot. Moreover, the people of Chengdu lead a happy-go-lucky life. So, I prefer Chengdu to my hometown now.) 2. Could you say something about your family? Could you tell me something about your family? Could you talk about your family briefly? Yes, I could. There are four people in my family, my parents, my wife and me. My father works in a private enterprise in Chengdu, my mother has retired for 2 years. My wife is an employee of a multinational corporation. And I am a university teacher of Southwest Petroleum University. I have been married for 5 years and we are too busy with our work every day to spare a moment for taking care of a baby. We plan to have a kid in 2 years when we will probably save enough money for bringing up our child. 3. What is your job? What do you do? Where are you working? What does your job involve? What do you like most about your job? I’m a professional teacher of a university in Chengdu city, teaching petroleum engineering to undergraduates and doing research on oil and gas reservoir exploitation. My main focus is on phase behavior of sour gas involved in numerical simulation. 4. What do you like about your job? I like my job very much. I like my two holidays when I enjoy the freedom of doing my own


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