高考 概要写作 公开课-.ppt

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高考 概要写作 公开课-

Our food affects our health. Although science has greatly improved the quality of our foods, some are still unsafe to eat. Research has proved that most of our diseases are caused by food, including cancer. We can hardly tell whether the additives in our food are harmful or not. They affect our body indirectly. Some farmers raise their animals with additives to earn more money. Some countries have taken measures to stop such things, but in vain. (77W) it 有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使概要结构紧凑 because ∧ Weight loss is most likely to be successful when people change their habits. Here are several ways to make that happen. Regular physical activity burns calories and builds muscles ---both of which help you look and feel good and keep weight off. Walking the family dog, cycling to school, and doing other things that increase your daily level of activity can all make a difference. One reason people get less exercise these days is because of an increase in “screen time”--- the amount of time spent watching TV, looking at the computer, or playing video games. Limit recreational screen time to less than 2 hours per day. When you really get away from “screens”, such as TV, computers, IPad or mobile phones, you will really benefit a lot. Portion sizes are bigger than they used to be, and these extra calories contribute to obesity. Another key factor in weight gain is that more people drink sugary drinks, such as sodas, juice drinks, and sports drinks. So choose smaller portions (or share restaurant portions) and go for water or low-fat mild instead of soda. People who skip breakfast often feel so hungry that they eat more later on. So they get more calories than they would have if they ate breakfast. In fact, people who skip breakfast tend to have higher BIMs than people who eat breakfast. If you really put the above into practice at once, you will definitely reduce your weight gradually. And wish you have a good figure. Weight loss is most likely to be successful



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