高一英语growing pains课-件.ppt

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高一英语growing pains课-件

5.Don’t be too hard the boy;he didn’t mean it. A.at;doing B.on;to do C.on;doing D.for;to do 解析 考查be hard on“对……要求苛刻”和 mean to do sth.“打算做某事”。句意:别对那 个男孩太苛刻,他不是故意做那件事的。 B 6.—Hi,Tom.Any idea where Jane is? —She in the classroom.I saw her there just now. A.shall be B.should have been C.must be D.might have been 解析 句意为:——你好,汤姆,你知道简在哪 儿吗?——她肯定在教室里。刚才我还见她了。 由句意知,她现在肯定在教室。should have done表示本来应该做某事而没做好;might have done表示过去可能做过……;shall用在第三人称 的陈述句中只表示一种命令或警告语气,均不合 题意。 C 7.With a lot of difficult problems ,the manager felt worried all the time. A.to settle B.settling C.settled D.being settled 解析 从句意可知,“许多难题”还没有解决, 故用不定式表示将来的动作。 A 8.The young man insisted that he the watch and punished. A.shouldn’t steal;hadn’t been B.hadn’t stolen;shouldn’t be C.shouldn’t steal;not be D.not steal;hadn’t been 解析 前面表示“坚持说”,不用虚拟语气;后 面表示“坚持做某事”,要用虚拟语气。 B 9.Could you tell me such a wonderful story no one else has ever heard? A.that B.which C.as D.what 解析 先行词story前有such修饰,故用as。 C 10. she is out of a job,Lucy has been considering going back to school,but she hasn’t decided. A.Even if B.Though C.If D.Now that 解析 句意:既然工作没了,Lucy已在考虑重 返校园,但她还没有做出决定。now that= since既然。 D 11.The place the bridge is supposed to be built should be the cross-river traffic is the heaviest. A.which;where B.at which;which C.at which;where D.which;in which 解析 句意:应该建大桥的地方必须是过河交通 最繁忙的地方。at which在定语从句中充当地点 状语;where引导的从句为表语从句。 C 12.His movie won several awards at the film festival, was beyond his wildest dream. A.which B.that C.where D.it 解析 which引导非限制性定语从句,充当从句 的主语。 A 13.She was careful to her place with a bookmark before she shut the book. A.signal B.mark C.sign D.make 解析 mark意为“做标记”,用作动词。 B 14.People


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