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silly 愚蠢的;不明事理的 Practise 你太傻了,这么大的太阳,不戴帽子就出去了。 It was silly?of?you to go out in the?sun without a?hat. 在这个问题上他们相当愚蠢。 They’re quite silly on this subject. Unit 4 An old man tried to move the mountains. Section A Period One(1a-2d) Do you like to listen to stories? Have you ever heard of these stories? Jing Wei Determines to Fill up the Sea Have you ever heard of these stories? Can you tell them to your partners? Kua Fu Chases the Sun Hou Yi Shoots the Suns Have you ever heard of these stories? Can you tell them to your partners? Journey to the West Have you ever heard of these stories? Can you tell them to your partners? Nu Wa Repairs the Sky Have you ever heard of these stories? Can you tell them to your partners? Chang E Flying to the Moon Have you ever heard of these stories? Can you tell them to your partners? Yu Gong Moves a Mountain Have you ever heard of these stories? Can you tell them to your partners? Review Words and expressions shoot stone weak god remind bit a little bit silly instead of v. 射击;发射 n. 石头 adj.虚弱的;无力的 n.神;上帝 v.提醒;使想起 n.一点;小块 有点儿;稍微 adj.愚蠢的;不明事理的 代替;反而 Words expressions To learn the story Yu Gong Moves a Mountain To learn new words: shoot, stone, weak, god, remind, bit, silly… Match the story titles with the pictures [a-d]. (1a) __ Journey to the West __ Yu Gong Moves a Mountain __ Hou Yi Shoots the Suns __ Nu Wa Repairs the Sky b d a c Click it. 1b Listen and check the facts you hear. Which story are Anna and Wang Ming talking about? (1b) __ The two mountains were very high and big. __ A very old man tried to move the mountains. __ A man told Yu Gong that he could never do it. ________________, there was a very old man. There were two _________ near his house. They were ___ high and big ____ it _____ a long time to walk to the other side. Then the old man ____ his family that they should all help him to _________________. He want to ___ all the earth and stone from the mountains ____ the sea because it’s___



