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基于用户轨迹挖掘的智能位置服务 郑宇,谢幸 Enable Smart Location-Based Services by Mining User Trajectories Yu Zheng, Xing Xie Abstract: The advance of GPS-enabled devices has facilitated people to log their location history with GPS trajectories. These trajectories imply to some extent an individual’s behaviors and interests related to their outdoor movements. Therefore, we can understand users and locations as well as the correlation between them based on these trajectories. By mining a user’s life pattern from their trajectories, we are able to automatically respond to the user’s unspoken needs. By mining multiple users’trajectories, we can find out the top interesting locations, travel sequences and the travel experts in a given region. This information can enable generic travel recommendation and help people understand an unfamiliar city with minimal effort. By measuring the similarity between different users’ location histories, we could estimate the similarity between users and perform a personalized friend recommendation. Using such user similarity, a personalized location recommendation can be conducted in terms of the location history of a user and that of others. Overall, we can mine from the user trajectories rich knowledge, which may enable many smart location-based services, such as generic travel recommenders and personalized friend location recommendations. Key Words: location-based services, GPS trajectory, trajectory mining, location history 关键词: 基于位置的服务, GPS 轨迹, 轨迹数据挖掘, 用户位置历史 用户轨迹数据的产生 随着各种定位技术 (如全球定位系统GPS 和无线蜂窝网)的发展和普及,用户可以很方便 的获取个人位置信息,使用各种基于位置的服务 (LBS ),并将自己的移动过程以轨迹的 形式记录下来。用户记录这些轨迹的目的有很多,比如, 1)为了保证车辆的安全和有效调度,以及对交通流量的分析,很多出租、邮政和货运 车辆都配备了 GPS 设备。这些设备以一定的频率向某些特定的管控中心定时发送 自己的坐标。将这些点按时间顺序连接起来就可得到车辆的运行轨迹。 2 )爱好自行车、远足和登山等户外运动的人,通常利用GPS 设备记录下自己的行程[1, 2] 。一方面,这些线路能保障他们沿原路返回


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