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悲惨世界2012电影版全部台词 1815年-自法国大革命开始已过去26年,新的国王已经上位 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 避开他们的眼睛 Don’t look them in the eye 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 命葬土壑身长埋 You’re here until you die. 苍天无眼 No God above 地狱有门 And Hell alone below 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 还得煎熬二十年 There’s twenty years to go. 一介庶民本无辜 I’ve done no wrong 上天慈悲求开恩 Sweet Jesus,hear my prayer! 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 万能我主拂袖去 Sweet Jesus doesn’t care. 我知道她会等我 I know she’ll wait 我知道她会忠贞不渝 I know that she’ll be true- 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 他们早把你忘光 They’ve all forgotten you. 等我逃出这里 你再也别想 When I get free You won’t see me 找到我踪影 Here for dust! 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 一朝为奴无路退 You’ll always be a slave. 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 坟茔渐高气将尽 You’re standing in your grave. 把那旗子捡回来 Retrieve the flag. 二四六零一号 Now Prisoner 24601 你刑期已满 今日假释出狱 Your time is up And your parole’s begun. 知道这是什么意思吗? You know what that means? 对 我自由了 Yes. It means I’m free. 不,在你的余生里 No. For long to the left of your itinerary, 这羞耻的印记将如影随形 This badge of shame You’ll show it until you die. 这将警告世人你是个危险的男人 It warns you’re a dangerous man. 我不过偷了条面包 I stole a loaf of bread 我的小侄子命在旦夕 My sister’s child was close to death - 我们饿得不行 - 你们还会挨饿 – We were starving. – You will starve again 除非你明白法律的真谛 Unless you learn the meaning of the law. 我早已明白 整整19年 I know the meaning of those nineteen years 为法律当奴隶 A slave of the law! 本是5年刑期 Five years for what you did, 是你试图越狱才被加刑 The rest because you tried to run. 对 二四六零一号 Yes,24601! 我的名字是冉·阿让! My name is Jean Valjean! 我叫沙威 And I’m Javert! 别忘了我的名字 Do not forget my name. 别忘了我 Do not forget me- 二四六零一号 24601! 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 一朝为奴无路退 You’ll always be a slave. 低头看 低头看 Look down,look down 坟茔渐高气将尽 You’re standing in your grave. 终于重获自由 Freedom at last- 这感觉是如此陌生 How strange the taste! 这些年的苦难永不会忘记 Never forget the years- the waste, 他们的恶行不可饶恕 Nor forgive them for what they’ve done. 他们才是罪人 每个人 They are the guilty-Everyone! 新的一天开始了 让我们看看 The day begins And now lets see 这个崭新的世界将给我些什么 What this new world will do for me! - 我能帮忙么? -



