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本资料来自互联网,由 SCIbird 整理 詹姆斯·西蒙斯(James Simons ) (堪称宽客之王 ) 数学家和对冲基金经理(量化投资)西蒙斯 James Harris Jim Simons (born 1938) is an American mathematician, academic, trader, and philanthropist. In 1982, Simons founded Renaissance Technologies, a private investment firm based in New York with over $15 billion under management; Simons is still at the helm, as CEO, of what is now one of the worlds most successful hedge funds. Simons is estimated to be worth about $8.5 billion. Simons lives with his wife in Manhattan and Long Island, and is the father of three.Simons shuns the limelight and rarely gives interviews, citing Benjamin the Donkey in Animal Farm for explanation: God gave me a tail to keep off the flies. But Id rather have had no tail and no flies. On October 10, 2009, Simons announced he would retire on January 1, 2010 but remain at Renaissance as nonexecutive chairman. (以上信息来自维基百科) 注:西蒙斯 2008 年评上了美国艺术与科学学院院士,现在回到了数学界,多数 时间研究数学去了。2007 年还与人在 Journal of Topology 上发表了下面文章。 看样子,是他当年工作的延续。 1 本资料来自互联网,由 SCIbird 整理 据说在陈省身老爷子 90 大寿时,西蒙斯特地坐飞机来中国给老爷子祝寿。 当时西蒙斯貌似坐的是私人飞机,后由杨振宁和吴文俊出面联系有关部门才得以 让飞机在机场降落。可能是因为与陈老关系很好吧,西蒙斯给中国学术界捐了不 少钱。陈老爷子曾诙谐地说:自己想多活几年,这样就能管西蒙斯多要点钱。西 蒙斯在曾给清华捐了一座楼,名字叫陈-赛蒙斯楼。 ★难得的一段关于西蒙斯的详细采访 由于西蒙斯口风很紧,为人低调,所以关于他在投资方面的资料非常少。下 面的这一段 2000 年的英文采访是难得的对西蒙斯在投资方面的采访。 Jim Simons - Renaissance Technologies Corp Interviews James Harris (Jim) Simons, Ph.D. founded Renaissance Technologies Corporation in 1982. Jim Simons is also involved the discovery and appl


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