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根据上下文猜测词义八大的技巧   在阅读中,我们往往会遇到一些不认识的单词或短语,或者认识的单词在文章中有了新的意义,这时,我们就必须根据上下文对它们的意义进行猜测,使之不影响对文章的理解。需要注意的是,一个单词通常有好几个意思,然而我们要解决的是这些词在文中所表达的意思。因此,不可脱离上下文,只根据自己以前了解的词义来确定其意义。那么如何在特定的语言环境下猜测词义呢?通常,猜测词义可采用以下几种方法:      一、利用同义词、近义词猜测词义      作者可能会用一个同义词或者近义词去解释另一个更难的词,以便使他的文字意思更清楚,同义词或近义词往往出现在同一句或者同一段落中。如:   1. Doctors believe that smoking is detrimental to people’s health. They also regard drinking as harmful.   由下文的also,可以推断出“detrimental”的意思为harmful, 即“有害的”。   2. All the other members are of the same opinion. They are unanimous.   unanimous与of the same opinion同义,可猜为“一致同意的”。   3. I see people, old and young alike, are now taking tests of intelligence, education and skill. I wonder why there is not test of one’s virtue or goodness.   句中or后的goodness解释了virtue,其意为“善行”。   4. Cleaning up waterways is an enormous task. The job is so large, in fact, that the government may not be able to save some of the rivers and lakes which have been polluted.   文中enormous 的词义可猜测为与so large 的意思相近。   5. One of the predominant concerns today is the future of our natural resources. This issue is of greatest importance because it is becoming clear to many people that our present resources will not last forever.   文中predominant的词义可猜测为与of greatest importance的意思相近。      二、利用文中的反义词猜测词义      表示对比或相反的词有unlike; instead; but; while; however; otherwise; on the other hand等。如:   1. Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends.   根据文中Unlike的意思,a shy person, who does not like to go to parties, or to make new friends表达了“gregarious”相反的意思,所以gregarious的意思为“好交际的”。   2. Most of them agreed; however, John dissented.   通过however与agreed对比,很容易得到dissented的意思为“反对”。   3. Jane was talking with others while Bliza remained reticent all the time.   根据while的提示, 前后对照, reticent的含义是"沉默寡言的"。   4. American businessmen expect employees to be punctual. They do not expect that the workers will come late.   文中punctual的意思, 可理解为not come late, 即“准时,不迟到”


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