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清洁能源 Clean Energy 27卷 7期 电网与清洁能源 Vol.27 No.7 2011年7 月 Power System and Clean Energy Jul. 2011 : : : 章编号 1674-3814(2011)07-0070-03 中图分类号 TM623 献标志码 核电常规岛给 除氧器 位控制系统建 与仿真 1 1 2 2 王挺 ,吴文辉,措姆 ,徐唐煌 上海电力学院 电力与自动化工程学院,上海 ; 西藏电力有限公司调度中心 西藏拉萨 ) 1. 200090 2. , 850000 Modeling and Simulation of Tuning Adjustment on the Control System for the Water Level in the Water Feeder Deaerator of the Conventional Island 1 1 2 2 , , WANG Ting , WU Wen-hui MU Cuo XU Tang-huang (1.College of Electric Power and Automatic Engineering, Shanghai University of Electric Power, Shanghai 200090, China; 2. Dispatching Centre, Tibet Electric Power Company Limited, Lasa 850000, Tibet Autonomous Region, China ) : ABSTRA CT In this paper, by modeling of the mechanism of 在现场运行设备上预演,也不能停止设备运行来培 the water level object in the water level object of the 训学员,因而核电仿真系统在这些方面得到广泛的 conventional island of a nuclear power plant, setting of the 应用。 control parameters is made by means of simulation for the 在核电站中,除氧器是汽水 环系统关键设 single -impulse control and three impulse control strategies 备,其水位是机组运行的一个重要调节参数,但是 respectively, and the control qualities are analyzed and


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