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海量课件、教案、试题免费下载,尽在课件下载网! PAGE 49A In my classroom I can see,?????????? A desk, a chair, For you and me. In my classroom I can see, A window, a door, For you and me. In my classroom I can see, A wall, a blackboard, For you and me. 50 A Where’s Angel? Where’s Angel? She’s in the pencil case. Where’s Angel? Where’s Angel? She’s on the pencil case. Where’s Angel ? Where’s Angel? She’s under the pencil case. Oh, oh! NEW WORDS: in the pencil case , on the pencil case, under the pencil case. B Lily: Where is my pencil case? B and G: Guess! Lily: Under the desk? B and G: No! Lily: Under the chair? B and G: No! Lily: In the desk? B and G: Yes! 51 A Where is the red star? Red star? Red star???????????????? Where is the red star? It’s on the wall. Where is the black pencil? Black pencil? Black pencil? Where is the black pencil? It’s in the pencil case. NEW WORDS: a red star, a yellow backpack, a pink eraser, an orange cat, a green apple, a white mouse, a purple book, a black pencil, a blue ruler, a brown pencil case. B A:How many stars can you see? B: I can see six stars. 52 A Put the pencil in the pencil case. Put the ruler in the pencil case. Put the eraser in the pencil case. Put the pencil case in the backpack. Put the book in the backpack. 53 A???? 1 Open the door, please. 2 Sit down. 3 Take out your book, please. 4 Open your book, 5 Read aloud, please. Bill:??? A-S-D-F-G.A-S-D-F-G 6 Close the door, please. Lucky: (The dog’s barking) Wow! Wow! A-S-D-F-G! B??????? 1 Take out your book. 2 O pen your book 3 Come to the blackboard. 4 Clean the blackboard. 55A Look, look, in my room, Closet, telephone, TV, bed, Picture, computer, table, lamp, Armchair, armchair, over there. NEW WORDS: lamp, telephone, bed, closet, TV, table, computer, picture, armchair, room 56: A A: Where is Lucky???????? B: It’ s under the table. A: Where is the chair???? B: It’ s next to the table. A: Where is the cat?????? B: She’s on the armchair. A: Where is the lamp????? B: It’s n


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