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方法点拨 口头通知比较简单,通常包括称呼语、开头语、正文和结束语。___________常为“Ladies and gentlemen”, “Boys and girls”等,或提醒听众___________的词语或句子,例如:“May I have your attention, please? ”,“ (Your) attention, please!”,“Please be quiet.”等。通知的正文要求准确无误(特别是______和_____),流畅得体,语言比较___________化。通知的最后也可以说声“______________________”,以表示礼貌。 ? 称呼 注意 时间 地点 口语 That’s all. Thank you (for listening) 方法点拨 书面通知通常包括标题、正文、时间、落款。标题在正文上面的正中的地方写上___________。日期可写在右上方,高于标题。正文包括具体的时间、地点、活动内容和注意事项,通常称之为“四W”,即_____,______,_____,______。落款常常是发通知的单位,一般写在正文的右下方。通知必须简明易读,因此正文所使用的语言应尽量简明扼要。通知的语言有“四多一少”现象,即___________多,___________多,___________多,被动语态多,修饰语少。 ? NOTICE Who What When Where 将来时 简单句 祈使句 常见通知 常见通知 常见通知 常见通知 You are going to write a notice for your school’s English Week. Look at the spidergram and discuss with your classmates. A notice for English Week Yingcai Senior High On the 3rd floor of the Teaching Building from April 18th to April 22nd an English evening B Write your notice. English Week at __________________________ School Come to our English Week from _____________________ to ____________ on the third floor of the Teaching Building. Visit our book fair in the school library. You will find a lot of interesting English books there. Miss Li, our English teacher, will give a talk on how to choose good English books. Some students will put on __________________________________ ______________________________________. April 18th April 22nd an English play. They will act out the famous English play Romeo and Juliet. Yingcai Senior High If you are a good singer, you should ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________. A lot of students like games, so we have lots of them! ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________. Come and take part in English Week! Have fun and enjoy English! The Student Union take par


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