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【法宝引证码】 CLI.A.1226776? 原文链接: HYPERLINK /qikan/dd67eb17d106c6ef2dd762ff49ce2bcebdfb.html \t _blank /qikan/dd67eb17d106c6ef2dd762ff49ce2bcebdfb.html 中华法系中“礼”“律”关系之辨正 质疑中国法律史研究中的某些“定论” 期刊名称: HYPERLINK /journal/articlebyclass?ClassCodeKey=17, \t _blank 《法学研究》 期刊年份: HYPERLINK /journal/findarticle?FilterItems.JournalYear=2014 \t _blank 2014 摘要: “中华法系”是在近代比较法研究中出现的概念,这个法系的核心价值观与根本制度是礼。但长期以来,学界在研究中将律作为中华法系的主干,而将礼束之高阁。有关礼的论述笼统而缺乏细致与具体,对礼在中华法系中的地位和作用认识严重不足。正是这种几乎将礼摒弃在法研究领域之外的做法,使我们对中华法系产生了一系列误解。比如将“重刑轻民”、“以刑为主”归纳为中华法系的特点等等。在中华法系的制度构成中,律只是各种法律中的“一端”,其地位与作用都远远不能与礼相提并论。但律在中华法系中确实又有其特殊性,这就是在礼的指导下,“律义”经历了一个由法而儒的演变过程。但这个过程恰恰证明了,在中华法系中占据主导与主流地位的是礼,而不是律。 英文摘要: “Traditional Chinese legal system” is a concept that emerged in the comparative study of law in modern Chinese history. Rites were the cardinal value, the fundamental rules and the core institution of traditional Chinese legal system. However, for a long period of time, law has been taken as the pillar of the traditional Chinese legal system while rites are put aside and ignored by scholars in their studies of Chinese legal history. Consequently, little systematic and concrete exploration has been made on rites and the status and the role of rites in traditional Chinese legal system is seriously underestimated. The exclusion of rites from studies of Chinese legal history has led to a series of misunderstandings of the traditional Chinese legal system, such as the negative evaluation of the integration of morals and law and the characterization of the Chinese legal genealogy by “dominance of criminal law” and “preference of criminal law to civil law”. Actually law is only one of many aspects of traditional Chinese legal system and its status and role in this system was far less important than those of rites. Nevertheless, law in the traditional Chinese legal system did have some special attributes. That is, under the guidance of rites, it had undergone a process of evolution from legalist law to Confucian law. This pro


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