2017广东中考英语短文填空 A 基础篇.ppt

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2017广东中考英语短文填空 A 基础篇.ppt

练习(16) 首页 【语篇解读】有个又高又瘦的男生在打篮球。他给了人们一些吃和喝的建议。 【答案详解】 1.is/comes 解析:考查短语。be from/come from表示 “来自……”。 2.thin 解析:考查形容词。图画中,他又高又瘦。 3.plays 解析:考查动词。play basketball表示 “打篮球”。 4.hardly 解析:考查副词。他很健康,几乎不去医院。5.after 解析:考查介词。look after表示 “照顾”。 练习(16) 首页 6.advice 解析:考查名词。give advice表示 “给建议”。 7.As 解析:考查短语。as for表示 “谈及,至于,说到”。 8.feel 解析:考查动词。当我们感觉虚弱的时候,要吃阳性食品。 9.thirsty 解析:考查形容词。口渴的时候喝水。 10.not 解析:考查副词。由上句的“shouldn’ t”可知,这些对我们的身体不好。 练习(17) 首页 Last Saturday, Jim had no classes.He went to see his grandpa 1. his parents.His grandpa 2. in the countryside.First, they walked to the bus 3. because it is not 4. from their home.It only 5. them five minutes to get there.Near the bus stop, Jims father 6.  some fruits in a store.Then, they took a 7. to with lives stop far took bought bus 练习(17) 首页 the countryside.It took them about forty minutes. When they got 8. grandpa’s house, his grandpa was very9. .They talked and laughed happily.In the afternoon, at about four oclock, they said 10. to grandpa and went back to the city.What a happy day Jim had! Jim hoped he could stay with his grandpa every day! to happy goodbye 练习(17) 首页 【语篇解读】一家三口在车站等车。他们去水果店买水果,到爷爷家看爷爷。下午4点钟的时候他们跟爷爷说再见,然后回家了。 【答案详解】 1.with 解析:考查介词。with sb.表示 “和……一起”。2.lives 解析:考查动词。结合下文可知他爷爷应住在乡下。 3.stop 解析:考查名词。bus stop表示 “车站”。 4.far 解析:考查固定短语。not far from...表示“离……不远”。 练习(17) 首页 5.took 解析:考查句型。It takes sb.some time to do sth.表示 “做某事花了某人……时间”。 6.bought 解析:考查动词。由“in a store”可知是买水果,故填bought。 7.bus 解析:考查短语。take a bus表示 “搭公车”。8.to 解析:考查短语。get to表示 “到达”。 9.happy 解析:考查形容词。孩子和孙子来看望自己,爷爷当然很开心。 10.goodbye 解析:考查短语。回家的时候跟爷爷说再见。 练习(18) 首页 Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old.One day he went to the 1. .It is the first time 2. him to do that.He bought a 3. . and then went in.But after two or three minutes, he came out, bought a


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