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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 237 3rd International Conference on Humanities Science, Management and Education Technology (HSMET 2018) The safety factor analysis and countermeasures of campus orientation movement Wang Jun1,a b 1,c,* , Gu Song ,Lu Ni 1Yunnan agricultural university school of physical education, Kunming, China. a b c 158291721@, fly608@126.com, 418447726@ *Corresponding author Keywords: orientation movement, sports safety, causes ,countermeasures. Abstract. From the international perspective, the development of orientation movement in our campus is still in its infancy. Compared with the traditional school sports activities, the phenomenon of experience deficiencies still exist in many ways.For example, improper teaching methods, poor choice of sports venues, etc.The teaching of orientation course in campus requires teachers to use flexible teaching methods and choose different venues for teaching according to actual needs. Students often disappear in the perspective of the teachers in orientation movement courses, the lack of security protection increased the probability of accident. Orientation movement has many different distinctions with the traditional sports activities, which determines the particularity of orientation movement itself.The risks of sport injury requires the teachers in the teaching pay a lot of attention to students to ensure the security of the students body and mind. This paper illustrates the necessity of campus to carry out orientation movement first, and then few examples of injury in t



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