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神经疾病与精神卫生 2018 年 8 月 20 日第 18 卷第 8 期 Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health,August 20,2018,Vol.18,No.8 · 533 · ·述评· 脑卒中康复最新成就 公维军 100144 首都医科大学附属北京康复医院 康复医学院 通信作者:公维军,Email :gwj1971@163.com - DOI :10.3969/j.issn.1009 6574.2018.08.001 【摘要】 脑卒中康复一直是康复领域的重点和难点。随着神经康复学的发展,新技术、新理念的 应用,脑卒中的康复从康复机制到康复诊断、康复治疗均有了较大的改善和提高。现从脑卒中康复机 制研究、康复评定、康复疗法、康复管理模式 4 个方面阐述近年来神经康复的新进展,其中脑卒中康复 机制方面,重点阐述了神经可塑性与长时程增强作用、神经可塑性与细胞因子、神经可塑性与康复训练、 神经可塑性与脑功能磁共振成像几个方面。展望未来,神经康复的发展仍需要我们的不断努力。 【关键词】 脑卒中; 康复; 机制; 治疗; 综述 Latest achievement in stroke rehabilitation Gong Weijun Beijing Rehabilitation Hospital of Capital Medical University ,Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine , Beijing 100144 , China Corresponding author : Gong Weijun , Email :gwj1971@163.com 【Abstract 】 Cerebral stroke rehabilitation always is an important and difficult point for the rehabilitation treatment. As the development of neurorehabilitation science, and the implementation of new technology and concept, the rehabilitation of cerebral stroke has improved and enhanced dramatically in the mechanism, diagnosis,and the treatment. This article describes the recent new development of neurorehabilitation science from the fours aspects of cerebral stroke: rehabilitation mechanism, rehabilitation evaluation, rehabilitation therapy, rehabilitation management modes . Of them, the research to rehabilitation mechanism of cerebral stroke always is the hot topic in the rehabilitation area . Furthermore, the article elaborates the rehabilitation mechanism of cerebral stroke from neutral plasticity and long-tem enhancement, cell factor, rehabilitation training, and functional magnetic resonance imaging etc. Looking forward to the future, the development of neurorehabilitation science still need our persistent endeavor. 【Key words 】 Stroke; Rehabilitation; Mechanism


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