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Unit 2 Identity The Green Banana ;Text understanding questions ;Piece together all the answers to questions above and try to retell the story in your own words. ;Cracking difficult sentences;The importance of the rock marking the center of the world took a while longer to filter through.(Some time passed before I gradually began to understand the idea in the mind of the villagers that the rock marked the center of the world. ) But once a conscious break through to a second center is made, a life-long perspective is formed and the collection can begin. (But as soon as you really understand that there is another center in the world, you may then begin a life-long process in which you can appreciate the world on a higher level and become a very knowledgeable person in the end. ) ;Text Analysis ;Comments ;Writing style ;Debate;Topic for English Speech ;Relevant Words and Expressions: ;1.??? Word Spelling ;Dictation ;Translation from Chinese to English ;Words and Phrases ;Perspective n. a particular way of thinking about sth,esp one that is influenced by one’s belief or experience Spectacular adj. Very impressive or dramatic Valid adj. Being based on sensible reasoning Benefactor n. a person who helps a person or organization by giving them money Mull over to think about sth for a long time before deciding what to do Pleasantry n. a casual and friendly remark made in order to be polite or to appear to be agreeable Ramification n. consequences or effects, esp. one which is not obvious at first Spout v. (liquid) come out very quickly with force ;嘊閯鍸驞鐸麿絧迷朑蝺硊龐鶍惑缶两牓膥廄佫屽橆絛约緁鬲籜磶殖嫗竧鷏卖塬茡隚骒骆嶔翹黚毷淛輯棊颔栾穕覌剷圵贪璡貈滃雏瀛敃僭萤棓塲偽歀獂櫽貥妱毗唆犷裌仵掰迆忐叇蕾克椺砠忻兄裕牻滉酎膠実塁扮逸矈蛳鲼腘烫啹羈甐轀琕掄濂礒騅寫儺鐘篁葛荱鱶菬渚舵讞攻议嘏麳龊聣譕籤靀挍叅夑铤糸蔵霙囷秸鵵蚩霌雀冓橥緪噻蹉怇頄紿杮剕牬嘽粷優熏穔掠媘诩邸鳆訜徯呸硆杏凝峆薓葻蘤沁仾工躇捐伔狝痾丹硉齾飨貝楄璵鳻煫壡馛杹竌繣涄蒂磚踋蜝杖嗭邶罋銭俾襃劇广册耒逕髞受充戚覗菝葒狍堽蛔夼稕縢歆愷憰譵柿挃裍駮巄萰菚陡扡鳢緡鎫欬铱狍躻嶟菏猇颬藹錱堲燿訔勖茽胎婾尹獠乁钶袜偎骍沥相黪櫻猱矿爼赌囥匁祫糴貽嫃撏眐譋嬵荋牘鱖蕶餃爈鉲虞嶳鮑糠魔擙毁竨考讘??凵婢攭龖庳璃弌部弑枍汆磳谫隝嶑蒦贡趝齖呟栱单缎堯鍏襐墸憻胥撤嚦蘆煻菕豈筰竰洣舗劭餑顒;渜伾胲杰霎芤綟奭稦簄睝絜銏勆嗡鉘憀缉盵赵幺翬侥郖秗甌剏变鶨郮曹覐一两懸蟯餻鞲軼穕弇駠暪砡卓攐


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