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案例 春兰“大服务”     正让消费者满意[1]    几年前,中国家电业开始盛行一种“质量不够、服务来凑”的“售后服务至上”风,这种做法让消费者吃尽了苦头。例如有一位消费者,购买了当时把自己的服务宣传得最好的一家企业的空调,结果空调却连续修了五次才勉强运行,尽管这位消费者承认受到了前所未有的热忱服务,但他却在数次不胜其扰的“服务”中对这台空调乃至这家企业的所有产品彻底灰了心。当然,这样的事例在当时并不鲜见。 就在此时,中国空调业的巨擘春兰,不失时机地在业界举起“大服务”的旗帜,强调真正的服务应贯穿于产品设计、制造、管理以及销售过程的始终,而不是大家通常认为的仅仅停留在售前、售中、售后等少数几个环节上。简而言之,服务应该从市场调研、产品设计开始,为用户提供真正符合他们需求的产品;并由细节做起,追求产品的零缺陷和生产成本的最低化,为用户提供价廉物美、物超所值的产品;还要完善售后服务体系,为用户提供及时、周 案例 春兰“大服务”     正让消费者满意[2] 到、优质的售后服务,直到用户完全满意为止。春兰人把它归纳为: 从设计开始 由细节做起 到满意为止 案例 春兰“大服务”     正让消费者满意[3] * Marketing and Sales Concept Contrasted This CTR corresponds to Figure 1-4 on p. 15 and to the material on pp. 14-16. Comparisons and Contrasts: The Selling Concept takes an inside-out perspective -- looking at the company’s needs and wants in terms of existing products and ways to find customers for them. The Marketing Concept takes an outside-in perspective - identifying the needs and wants of a clearly defined market and adjusting company efforts to make products that meet the needs. Discussion Note: Promotional tone may help indicate whether a company practices the selling or the marketing concept. Selling involves persuasion -- convincing the customer of their need to buy existing products. Marketing, at its best, involves information -- bringing the developed product to the awareness of a target market that recognizes need satisfying products. As the text notes, companies can let their own success lock them into a rigid selling structure. As times change, and they always do, those companies fail to see the need for meeting new and emerging consumer needs. The marketing concept helps companies focus on customer need satisfaction, leading to long-term success by customer retention. * Five Marketing Philosophies This CTR relates to the material on pp. 12-17. Teaching Tip: You may find it useful to ask students to give their definitions of philosophy. How do they use philosophies for studying? dating? planning their time? Work from their examples to


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