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X校园网的组建 人文科技学院 毕 业 论 文 阳阳公司网络设计方案 姓 名: 学 号: 指导老师: 系 名: 电子信息工程系 专 业: 计算机网络技术 班 级: 二0一二年十二月十五日 阳阳公司企业网的组建规划 人文科技学院计算机网络技术毕业论文 摘 要 现今的计算机网络技术飞速发展,使用网络进行信息传输已成为社会运行的一种基本方法。越来越多的计算机连接到不同的网络中,使计算机网络不论从结构上还是规模上都发生了很大的变化,这给计算机网络的建设提出了新的挑战,对实施网络工程也提出了新的要求。 随着办公信息化、自动化的需求,各企业为提高办公效率,促进信息交流,为适应现代化办公的要求,企业网络的建设是企业向信息化发展的必然选择,企业网络系统是一个非常庞大而复杂的系统,它不仅为现代化企业综合管理和办公自动化等一系列应用提供基本操作平台,而且能提供多种应用服务,使信息能及时、准确地传送给各个系统。这直接关系到企业能否获得关键的竞争优势。本方案的主要目标是根据阳阳公司的局域网建设需求为背景,以计算机网络技术为基础,较详细地设计出该企业网络建设方案。因此本毕业设计着重从需求分析、企业网络的拓扑结构、设备的选型、网络安全设计、路由设计等方面进行了分析与描述,并给出了具体的设计方案。 关键词:Internet;企业网;拓扑结构;端口汇聚;访问控制;VLAN Abstract Today's computer network technology rapid development, the use of network information transmission has become a society which is a basic method of operation. More and more of the computer connected to the different network, computer network no matter from the structure or scale have undergone great changes, the computer network construction, and puts forward the new challenges to implement network project has also put forward new requirements. As office informatization, automation needs, each enterprise to improve office efficiency, promote the exchange of information, to adapt to the requirements of the modern office, enterprise network construction is the enterprise to the inevitable choice for the development of informatization, enterprise network system is a very large and complicated system, it not only for modern enterprise integrated management and office automation and so on a series of applied to provide basic operation platform, but also can provide various application service, so that the information timely and accurately transmitted to each system. It directly related to the enterprise can obtain the key competitive advantage. The plan's main goal is to according to the company's LAN Yang construction demand as a


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