2019版高考英语(外研版)一轮复习小册子课件:必修2 Module 3 Music(共17张PPT).ppt

2019版高考英语(外研版)一轮复习小册子课件:必修2 Module 3 Music(共17张PPT).ppt

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2019版高考英语(外研版)一轮复习小册子课件:必修2 Module 3 Music(共17张PPT)

* Module 3 Music (主题语境:人与社会——音乐欣赏) -*- 在记忆中求准确 在语境中求熟练 Practice makes perfect. 『话题必记单词』 1.       n.听众? 2.       n.天才? 3.       adj.动人的? 4.       adj.复杂的? 5.       n.曲调? 『阅读识记单词』 1.prince n.         ? 2.album n.      ? 3.ballad n.                ? 4.lyrics n.         ? 5.solo adj.      ? audience  genius  catchy  complex  tune 王子;亲王  专辑  民歌;民谣;(伤感的)情歌  (复)歌词 独奏的 -*- 『构织连脉词族』 1.       n. 作曲家 →       vt. 作曲;创作 →         n. 作文;作品? 2.       n. 指挥 →       n. 行为,举动,品行 vt. 引导,指挥,管理  vt. 导电,传热? 3.       n. 音乐家 →       adj. 音乐的 →       n.音乐? 4.       vt.(lost,lost) 失去;丢失 →       adj.丢失的 →       n.损失;失去? composer compose composition conductor conduct  musician musical music  lose lost loss  -*- 5.       n. 指挥;经理;主管;指导者;导演 →       vt. 指挥;指导 adj. 笔直的;坦白的 adv. 直接地 →       adv. 直接地,立即?conj. 一……就…… →       n. 说明(pl.);指导;方向(      朝……方向)? 6.       n. 天分;天赋;才华 →       adj. 有天赋的? 7.       n. 奥地利 →       adj. 奥地利的 n. 奥地利语;奥地利人? 8.       vt.n. 影响 →       adj. 有影响的? 9.       n.(大学的)讲师 →       n.演讲;讲课? 10.       vt. 使混合 →       n.混合;混合物? in...direction director direct directly direction talent talented  Austria Austrian   Influence influential  lecturer lecture  mix mixture -*- 『语用规律归纳』 动词+-er/-or→名词“……的人” ①direct→director 指挥;导演 ②conduct→conductor 指挥 ③invent→inventor 发明家 ④visit→visitor 来访者 ⑤collect→collector 收集者 ⑥act→actor 男演员 ⑦compose→composer 作曲家 ⑧lecture→lecturer 讲师 -*- 国家与人民 China—the Chinese America—the Americans England—the English Russia—the Russians German—the Germans France—the French Australia—the Australians -*- 『语境活用』 1.      by my father,I took up art and was determined to be an       artist,and would have a great       on the modern art.(influence)? 2.As a       ,he has       a lot of famous films, which were welcomed       they were published.(direct)? 3.The little boy showed his great       for painting.We all believed he would become a       artist.(talent)? 4.       by the famous       ,the piece of music became popular at once.(compose)? Influenced;influential;in


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