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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Balance ..... ..... Subtitle comes here * Cross ..... ..... ..... ..... Subtitle comes here * Pyramid ....... ..... ..... Subtitle comes here * Trackers - Place in Top Right Corner of Slide Subtitle comes here * Agenda Structured text Graphs Pictures Service Line Charts * Generic Strategy Development Framework - English Environmental Analysis Business Imperatives Business Definition Business Constraints Business Imperatives External Analysis Internal Analysis Key Insights Future Industry Scenarios Future Industry Scenarios Strategic Options Analysis Strategy Implementation Implement Action Plans Monitor Action Plans Actie-plannen Strategic Options Risk and Reward Strategic Direction Reassess the Business Imperatives Desk Research and Interviews Interviews and Workshops Workshops and Analyses Business Plan Writing Crea-tivity Subtitle comes here * Generic Strategy Development Framework - Dutch Externe en interne analyse Bepaling uitgangspunten Missie en Visie Rand- voorwaar- den Uitgangs- punten Externe Analyse Interne Analyse Inzicht Future Industry Scenarios Scenarios Strategische keuze Implementatie Plannen Meet-punten Actie-plannen Strategi-sche opties Rende-ment en risico’s Strategie Heroverweeg de uitgangspunten Desk research en interviews Interviews en workshops Workshops en analyses Uitwerking plannen Creati-viteit Subtitle comes here * Strategy Development - The Fish Chosen Strategy Projects Resources Monitoring Financial Position Strategic Position Capital Market Economic Profitability Growth Commercial Market Market Attractiveness Competitive Position Insight CSFs KPIs Strategic Issues Scope Context Creativity Scenarios Options Subtitle comes here * Strategy Development - The Loop CAPITAL MARKET MANAGED PERFORMANCE Strategy Execution Strategy Formulation Dynamic Strategy COMMERCIAL MARKET STRUCTURE RESOURCES


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