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Unit 13 People 单元盘点 词语串串练 As a senior high school student,do you have a high IQ?Do you have a high EQ?Do you know there is a close connection between IQ and EQ?Perhaps you think IQ determines your success and ①____________,however, in fact,EQ also plays an important role.According to his academic research, failure Professor Salovey says when ②__________ someone’s future success,EQ is more important than IQ.People are often ③_________________in believing that those with high IQs deserve good grades in study, but there is a possibility that they will fail because of their low EQs. predicting mistaken That is because those with higher EQs have strong ④___________,positive rather than passive attitudes towards study,work and life,⑤___________they are less likely to be troubled by problems and easily ⑥________ success. One of my classmates,Jack,has a high IQ and is ⑦_____________ in maths, personality thus gain gifted but his EQ is a little low.When Jack ⑧___________ himself to working out maths problems,he seems to forget the whole world.But he is allergic to others’ assessment of him and full of ⑨___________.He has a strong desire to succeed.Sometimes he can’t help losing temper for a small thing.Many students⑩___________ him of being selfish, devotes anxiety accuse which makes him ?__________ and upset.I know by chance on TV that one’s EQ can be improved,and this idea has been ?_____________________.To help him,I asked Jack to use his ?_______________ in maths to help others rather than concentrate on his study.To our great satisfaction, guilty confirmed strength after a month,Jack corrected his ? ______________________and weaknesses and has become a popular one.He is very ?__________________to me. shortcomings grateful 作为一名高中生,你有高智商 吗?你有高情商吗?你知道智 商和情商有密切的联系吗?或 许你认为智商决定着你的成功 与失败,而实际上,情商也起 着重要的作用.根据萨洛维教授的学术研究,他说当预测一个人未来成功与否时,情商比智商还重要。 人们常常误认为那些有高智商的人在学习上理应取得好的成绩,但有可能会因为他们的低情商而失败。那是因为那些有高情商的人有坚强的个性,以积极的而不是消极的态度对待学习、工作和生活,因此他们不易受问题的困扰,从而很容易获得成功。 我的同学,杰克智商很高而


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