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Chapter Objectives 1. How do the buyers’ characteristics – cultural, social, personal, and psychological – influence buying behavior? 2. How does the buyer make purchasing decisions? Definitions Consumer buyer behavior refers to the buying behavior of final consumers – individuals and households who buy goods and services for personal consumption All of these final consumers combine to make up the consumer market I、Influencing buyer behavior The starting point for understanding buyer behavior is the stimulus-response model . Model of Buying Behavior 1、Cultural Factors 2、Social Factors 3、Personal factors Values and Lifestyle Survey 4、Psychological Factors Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs II、The buying decision process Buying roles: Initiator Influencer Decider Buyer User Four Types of Buying Behavior III、Consumer Buying Process Problem recognition Information search Evaluation of alternatives Purchase decision Postpurchase behavior * ?2000 Prentice Hall * Buyer’s decision process Problem recognition Information search Evaluation Decision Postpurchase behavior Other stimuli Economic Technological Political Cultural Buyer’s characteristics Cultural Social Personal Psychological Buyer’s decisions Product choice Brand choice Dealer choice Purchase timing Purchase amount Marketing stimuli Product Price Place Promotion Buyer’s Black Box Culture Subculture Social Class Buyer Reference Groups Roles Statuses Family Personal Influences Age and Family Life Cycle Stage Lifestyle Occupation Economic Circumstances Personality Self-Concept Perception Learning Beliefs Attitudes Motivation Psychological needs (food, water, shelter) 1 Safety needs (security, protection) 2 Social needs (sense of belonging, love) 3 Esteem needs (self-esteem, recognition) 4 Self- actualization (self-development and realization) 5 小结: Complex Buying Behavior Dissonance- Reducing Buying Behavior Variety- Seeking Behavior Habitual Buying Behavior Significant differences between b


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