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English Writer V.S.奈保尔 the leading novelist, winner of the Nobel Prize in literature 2001. Naipauls writings dealt with the cultural confusion of the Third World and the problem of an outsider, a feature of his own experience as an Indian, a West Indian in England. KOFI A. ANNAN of Ghana The seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations, served from 1997 to 2006 and was the first to emerge from the ranks of United Nations staff. He was a constant advocate for human rights, the rule of law Ahmed Zewail Each year the respective Nobel Committees send invitations to thousands of scientists, members of academies and university professors around the world, asking them to nominate (提名) candidates for the Nobel Prizes for the coming year. These prize nominations must reach the respective Nobel Committees of the prize-awarding institutions before February 1 of the year for which the nomination is being made. The prize-awarding institution for the Physics and Chemistry awards is the Swedish Academy of Sciences. The nominations received by each committee are then evaluated with the help of specially appointed experts When the committees have presented their recommendations to the prize-awarding institutions, a vote is taken for the final choice of Laureates[l?r??t] (获奖者). The choice of that year’s Laureates is announced immediately after the vote in October each year. The prizes are awarded at the Prize Awarding Ceremony (颁奖典礼)(at the Concert Hall in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 10 (the Anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death). At the Prize Award Ceremony in Stockholm(瑞典斯德哥尔摩), the King of Sweden hands each Laureate a diploma and a medal. The Ceremony is followed by a banquet at the Stockholm City Hall for about 1 300 people, including 250 students. respective adj. Of or for or belonging to each as an individual 各自的;各个的;分别的 e.g. 聚会后我们回到了各自的房间 After the party we all went to our respective rooms. nominate V. nominate sb.(for/as sth.) 1. 提名某人(为某职位、职务、任务等的候选人) E.g.她已被提名为总统(


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