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PAGE 10 毕业设计(论文) 升降横移式立体停车库机械结构设计 院 别 控制工程学院 专业名称 机械制造及自动化 班级学号 学生姓名 指导教师 2012年6月15日 升降横移式立体停车库机械结构设计 摘 要 随着我国城市经济和汽车工业的迅速发展,拥有私家车的家庭越来越多,而与此相对应的是城市停车状况的尴尬,因此在已建设成的住宅小区中再设置机动车位,实际上是很难再有所作为了。因此车位的紧缺就成为今后较长时间内的业主的一大生活难题和物业管理公司管理难点了。 建造立体钢结构车库可能就是解决停车位不足的可靠的途径之一。 本文简要介绍了各类立体停车库的结构和特点,和小区车库的发展概况,并对立体停车库的设计要点进行了简要的说明.本文重点介绍了立体车库升降的结构设计和停车设备传动系统的设计. 本设计重点内容包括升降机构的结构设计,材料的选择。 在升降传动系统设计中升降链条的设计计算,链轮的设计计算。 升降部分的电机选择和校核,钢丝绳的选择和计算也是本设计重点。 本设计的主要特点是: 节省资源,控制方便。 关键词:链驱动,升降装置,立体停车库 Double Layer Lifting Transverse-moving Stereo Parking Garage Mechanical Structure Design Author:Zhang Shu Tutor:Zhao Yuqian Abstract Along with our country city economy and the rapid development of automobile industry, more and more families with private cars, and what answer relatively with this is city parking status.So has the construction of residential quarters as further set up vehicle spaces, is actually very difficult to do anything of. Thus the shortage of parking spaces on the future of a long time one of the owners of large problems in life and property management companies for the management of difficult. Construction of a three-dimensional steel garage may solve the shortage of parking spaces one of the surest ways. The paper summarizes the structure and the features of different of parking place. The introduction of the main performance parameters and introduced too. This paper mainly introduces the design of main components of its elevator and conveying appliance. The design focus include lifting the structure design, the choice of materials, manufacturing methods. Movements in the design of transmission chain of design movements, the sprocket design. Motor movements of the options and checking, rope choice and calculation of the design is key. The design main characteristic is: sav


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