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本文提出了一种新的利用局部统计信息(极值) 的自适应中值滤波方法——极值中值滤波算法。该方法可以有效地去除图象中的椒盐噪声以及高斯噪声,并保留图象的细节。文章首先介绍了数字图像滤波的空域滤波与频域滤波,以及各种噪声的产生及影响,然后描述了改进了的中值滤波算法的执行过程,对本算法与标准中值滤波算法,以及近几年出现的几种改进型中值滤波算法进行了分析与对比,最后给出了一组实验数据。实验结果表明,与其他算法相比,本算法执行速度快,去除噪声与保留细节的效果好。
关键词:图像滤波 中值滤波 极值滤波 噪声去除
A new median based filtering algorithm—extreme um median filtering is presented. In order not to perturb the efficient signals as much as possible when the noises are removed, the following approaches are developed in this paper. First, all the pixels are separated into signal pixels and noise pixels according to the decision criterion given in the following; then, noise pixels are replaced with the median value of their neighborhood in the input image. The decision criterion: if a pixel value is the extreme um (max o r m in) of its neighborhood, it is a noise pixel; else, it is a signal pixel. This decision criterion is under such an assumption: inherent relationships exist among neighbor pixels. If a pixel value is far higher or lower than the others’ value of its neighborhood are, that is to say, a pixel has lower correlation with its neighbors, we may consider that it had been contaminated with noise. Else, if it is similar to the others, w e consider that it rep resents an effective signal. Experimental results show that the assumption fits the facts quit w ell. In this paper, attention is focused on filtering of images degraded by salt and pepper noises. Especially, in the case of lower SNR, larger filtering window imp roves the SNR notably. Median filter is no t the case, for the filtering operation blurs the image extremely with the increasing of the filtering windows
Keywords : MATLAB; Median filter; Salt and pepper noise; Gaussian noise
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