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H3C S5500基本配置思路及实用命令 1.总体配置思路: 1) 添加VLAN1,并将相应端口添加到该VLAN。(在VLAN状态下才 可一次将多个端口加入相应 VLAN, interface e 1/0/1 toe 1/0/24) 2) 添加VLAN2 ,并将其置为管理VLAN (在#状态下 management-vlan 2),才可设置其 VLAN 的 IP 地址。 3) 添加静态路由。 4) 配置端口 TRUNK模式。 5) 配置远程登录VTY认证。 6) 配置本地用户。 2.进入特权模式System View H3C System View System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z. [H3C]dis [H3C]display cur 3.配置交换机主机名sysname sysname H3C 添加VLAN vlan 1 或在此状态下直接将相应端口加入该VLAN (否则只能一个口 一个口 的添加) Interface e 1/0/1 to e 1/0/24 配置管理 VLAN~ management-v 1 an management-vlan 2 给管理 VLAN 添加 IP 地址 interface Vlan-interfacel ip address 76 255. 255. 255. 0 添加端口到 VLAN: port access vlan 1 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 port access vlan 1 远程登录配置及3A认证模式 user-interface vty 0 4 authentication-mode scheme 配置3A认证本地用户及属性 local-user test password simple testpwd authorization-attribute level 3 service-type telnet 可能的配置 local-user test password simple test service-type telnet level 3 10. 将端口配置为Trunk 口 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/20 port link-type trunk port trunk permit vlan all 添加静态路由 ip route-static 0. 0. 0. 0 0. 0. 0. 0 10. 10. 40. 1 查看路由表 display ip routing-table [H3C]display ip routing-table Routing Tables: Public Destinations : 7 Routes : 7 Destination/Mask Proto Pre Cost NextHop Interface 0. 0. 0. 0/0 Static 60 0 10. 10. 40. 1 Vlan2 10. 10. 40. 0/24 Direct 0 0 10. 10. 40. 180 Vlan2 10. 10. 40. 180/32 Direct 0 0 127.0. 0. 1 InLoopO 127. 0. 0. 0/8 Direct 0 0 127. 0. 0. 1 InLoopO 127.0.0. 1/32 Di rect 0 0 127. 0. 0. 1 TnLoopO 192. 168. 76. 0/24 Direct 0 0 192. 168. 76. 3 Vlan76 192. 168. 76. 3/32 Direct 0 0 127. 0. 0. 1 InLoopO 13e 显示当前配置 display current-configuration [H3C]display current-configuration 14. 查看端口及VLAN的up/down状态 display brief interface [II3C]display brief interface The brief information of interface(s) under route mode: Interface Link ProtocoHI ink Protocol type Main IP NLLLO UP UP (spoofing) NULL — Vlanl UP UP ETHERNET 192. 168. 76. 3 Vlan2 UP UP ETHERNET 10. 10. 40. 180 The brief information of interface(s) under bridge mode: Interface


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