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PAGE 摘 要 为了实现笔记本电源适配器的更好的稳定性及低功耗性能,并且满足市场上日益增长的笔记本对笔记本电源适配器的需求,本系统设计了以单片机AVR为最小系统的笔记本电源适配器,详细介绍了单片机AVR以及系统的硬件电路设计电路,包括输入电路、整流滤波电路、变压电路,采样电路。软件方面重点阐述了系统的软件设计,以C语言为工具,采用面向对象的原理和技术,进行了详细设计和编程实现了对硬件的控制,使得系统具有更好的稳定性。最终完成了输入为220V交流电,输出功率为65W、输出直流电压为19V的笔记本电源适配器的设计。 关键词: 笔记本电源适配器 低功耗 AVR单片机控制 Abstract Laptop power adapter in order to achieve better stability and low power consumption and meet the growing notebook market on the demand for notebook power adapter, the system is designed to minimize the system for the AVR microcontroller notebook power adapter Details of the AVR microcontroller and system design of hardware circuits, including input circuit, rectifier filter circuit, transformer circuit, sampling circuit. Software focuses on the software design, to C language as a tool for object-oriented principles and techniques, a detailed design and programming of the hardware's control, making the system more stability. Finally completed the input is 220V AC, output power is 65W, the output voltage is 19V DC Notebook Power Adapter. Keywords: laptop power adapter low power consumption AVR microcontroller 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \u 第1章 绪论 PAGEREF _Toc325000227 \h - 1 - 1.1 课题背景 PAGEREF _Toc325000228 \h - 1 - 1.2 电源适配器的国内外现状及发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc325000229 \h - 1 - 1.2.1 国内外的现状 PAGEREF _Toc325000230 \h - 1 - 1.2.2 电源适配器的发展趋势 PAGEREF _Toc325000231 \h - 2 - 1.3 课题解决的问题及研究内容 PAGEREF _Toc325000232 \h - 3 - 1.3.1 解决的问题 PAGEREF _Toc325000233 \h - 3 - 1.3.2 课题方案设计的确定 PAGEREF _Toc325000234 \h - 3 - 第2章 方案论证 PAGEREF _Toc325000235 \h - 5 - 2.1 设计参数指标 PAGEREF _Toc325000236 \h - 5 - 2.2 方案选择与论证 PAGEREF _Toc325000237 \h - 5 - 2.2.1 整流电路的选择与论证 PAGEREF _Toc325000238 \h - 5 - 2.2.2 滤波电路的选择与论证 PAGEREF _Toc325000239 \h - 8 - 2.2.3 单片机的选择与论证 PAGEREF _Toc325000240 \h - 8 - 2.2.4 输出显示的选择与论证 PAGEREF _Toc325000241 \h - 9 - 2.2.5 驱动电路的选择与论证 PAGE


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