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January 6, 1705?– April 17, 1790 Benjamin Franklin Brief Introduction 1726: returns to America; 1732-1757: Poor Richard's Almanack 1733: seeks moral perfection 1741: invents Franklin stove; publishes General Magazine and Historical Chronicle 1746: conducts electrical experiments 1751: "Experiments and Observations with Electricity“ 1751-1764: serves in Pennsylvania Assembly 1752: kite experiment 1706: born in Boston 1716-1717: works in father's shop 1721-1723: helps James publish the New England Courant and contributes "Silence Dogood" essays 1724: sails for England; works at Samuel Palmer's printing office in London 1754: proposes American union against French; claims right to American self-government 1755: "A Parable Against Persecution," "A Parable on Brotherly Love" 1757: "The Way to Wealth“ 1764: speaker of Pennsylvania Assembly; petitions to King for new government; agent for colonies in England 1771: writes first part of Autobiography 1773: "Edict by the King of Prussia” 1775: returns to America; delegate to Second Continental Congress; drafts Articles of Confederation. 1776-1785: serves as diplomat in France 1784: writes second part of Autobiography 1787: delegate to Constitutional Convention; proposes proportional representation in House and equal representation in the Senate 1788: writes third part of Autobiography 1789: writes first remonstrance against slavery addressed to Congress 1790: writes fourth part of Autobiography 1790: dies at home in Philadelphia Literary Giant: Benjamin Franklin Major works 1. Poor Richard's Almanack? 2.The Autobiography Poor Richard's Almanack Poor Richard's Al-manac (1733-1758) took Franklin twenty-five years to contrive homely aphorism out of whatever source he could tap and im-prove most of then with his gift for pungenct and imagery. The Autobiography In his Autobiography , told how and when he began to write it "Memoires De La Vie Privee...,”1791,in Paris The first English translation,


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