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共集电极放大器的multisim仿真分析 摘 要 本文首先介绍了现代电子技术的发展及研发流程,说明了现代电子仿真技术在现有的电子线路模拟及应用中的重要作用,简单的介绍了Multisim10的功能。然后本文详细的介绍了Multisim10教育版的详细功能,包括主窗口、菜单栏、工具栏、元器件库以及仪器仪表库等,同时也介绍了Multisim10的电路分析方法。接着本文根据低频电子线路中的知识,设计了共集电极放大器,阐述了它的设计原理以及具体的电路参数分析。最后,本文用MULTISIM10对本文设计的射极跟随器进行了仿真,主要包括:静态工作点的测量,电路参数对静态工作点的影响分析以及静态工作点对放大器的影响分析;电压放大倍数和输入输出电阻的测量,以及三极管参数对它们的影响;同时还绘制了参考点的放大器频率响应曲线。 关键词:射极跟随器;Multisim10;静态工作点;电路参数;频率响应 Abstract This paper first introduces the development of modern electronic technology and development processes, illustrated by modern electronic simulation technology in the existing electronic circuit simulation and application of important effect, simple introduction to the MULTISIM10s function. Then this paper introduces the MULTISIM10Education Edition detailed features, including the main window, menu bar, toolbar, components and instrumentation library; it also introduces the MULTISIM10circuit analysis method. Based on the knowledge of low frequency electronic circuit, design of the common collector amplifier, expounds its design principle and the concrete circuit parameter analysis. Finally, this paper uses MULTISIM10 to the emitter follower is simulated, including: measurement of static work point, circuit parameters on the static working point and effect analysis and static work point on the amplifier effects analysis; voltage amplification and input and output resistance measurement, and the three transistor parameters influence on them; at the same time also draws a reference point for the amplifier frequency response curve. Key-words:Emitter follower; MULTISIM10; Static working point; circuit parameter; frequency response 目 录 TOC \o 1-2 \h \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc29036 1绪论 PAGEREF _Toc29036 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc2158 1.1 选题背景及意义 PAGEREF _Toc2158 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc18851 1.2 理论基础 PAGEREF _Toc18851 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc30083 1.3 本文研究内容 PAGEREF _Toc30083 2 HYPERLINK \l _Toc23765 2 Multisim10功能简介 PAGEREF _Toc23765 4 HYPERLINK \l _Toc31164


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