Unit3 This is my sister Period1 PPT课件 七年级英语 初一英语.ppt

Unit3 This is my sister Period1 PPT课件 七年级英语 初一英语.ppt

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Unit3 This is my sister Period1 PPT课件 七年级英语 初一英语

Let’s listen! Listen to the song and meet the finger family! Do you hear any family members? Let’s play a game! Rule:男生女生分成两组,按照屏幕提示,根据老师手势及口令抢答,说出单词及其中文意思,并正确拼写该单词,看哪组的反应最快,回答最准确! *若同学作答时任意插话,则该组扣一分 *回答完毕双手击掌表示结束。 *如果回答错误,则看老师手势重新抢答。 My father’s mother is my ________. My father’s father is my ________. My father’s sister is my ________. My father’s brother is my ________. My uncle’s son is my ________. My parents’ ________ is my sister. I am a boy. I’m my parents’ ________. Mother’s son’s father’s brother is ______. Introduce Liu Xing’s family. Explanation David, this is my mother. 向别人介绍第三者,并指远处的人时,应用that’s….,意思为“那位是….”。 如: ---- Who’s that? ---- It’s my brother. Now come to the blackboard and introduce your friends to each other! 请将你的两位朋友介绍给对方。 Homework 完成《基础训练》第二单元全部练习。 抄写第三单元单词sister-these四遍,中文和音标一遍。或者完成字帖单词sister-daughter的抄写。 继续预习第三单元,并且填写自能学习相关部分。 做好期中考试的复习,回家将第2单元的单词过关,要求听写在抄写本上,家长签字。 下周请带你家人和朋友的照片(全家福最佳),准备好介绍家人和朋友。 * * Period 1 daddy mummy brother sister family members and baby! P13 1. mother __ 2. father __ 3. parents __ 4. brothers __ 5. grandmother __ 6. grandfather __ 7. friend __ 8. grandparents __ 9. sister __ c i h b g e a d f 1a Match the words with the people. 1b Listen and circle the people the boy talks about. grandfather grandmother grandparents mother father parents sisters daughters friends grandmother grandfather aunt uncle cousin daughter son uncle Please describe Linda’s family.请描述Linda 的家庭成员 Linda Introduce my family. This is my mother. This is my father. This is my grandmother. These are my parents. That is my friend. Those are my friends. Introduce my friends. This is his sister. 这位是他的姐姐。 当第三者给双方做介绍时,通常用”this is +姓名”这个句型,在这种场合不说she is …/he is … 当你向别人介绍两个或两个以上的人时,常说:These are….,介绍远处的人则用Those are… . These are my sisters and brothers. Those are my parents. 单数 复数 this these that those it they is are 注意到了吗? This___ my sister. That_


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