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6. (2012·济南中考)All of the class went there _______ / /her. A. expect B. expert C. except D. excuse 【解析】选C。except/ /prep. 除;把……除外。 7. (2011·兰州中考)There _______ a basketball match between Class One and Class Three this afternoon. A. is going to be B. will have C. are going to be D. is going to have 【解析】选A。There be的将来时态是There is going to/ will be. . . ,因此选A。 8. (2012·连云港中考)The First Huaguoshan International Golf Open was _______ success that we enjoyed ourselves very much. A. such a great B. a such great C. so a great D. a so great 【解析】选A。such修饰名词,so修饰形容词或副词。中心词success是单数名词,故用“such+a/an+adj. +单数名词”结构。 9. (2011·广元中考)—Why are most children under too much pressure? —Because their parents always compare them _______ others. A. with B. by C. to 【解析】选A。考查短语的搭配,compare. . . with. . . “与……比较”。 八年级下册 Units 1、2 1. pollute(v. )→ ________(n. )污染 2. build(v. )→ ________(n. )建筑物;楼房 3. able(adj. )→ ______(反义词)不能的 → ________(adj. )残疾的 4. pleasant(adj. )→ __________(adj. )(反义词)不愉快的 → ________(n. )高兴 pollution building unable disabled unpleasant pleasure 5. science(n. )→ ________(n. )科学家 6. possible(adj. )→ __________(反义词)不可能的 → ________(adv. )可能地 7. surprise(v. ) → __________(adj. )令人惊奇的 → _________(adj. )感到惊奇的 8. fail(v. )→ _______(n. )失败 → _______(反义词)成功 9. include(v. )→ _________(prep. )包括 10. free(adj. )→ ________(n. )自由 scientist impossible possibly surprising surprised failure succeed including freedom 【品词自测】根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 ①I am very interested in science. If I work hard, I probably will be a s_______ in the future. ②My job doesn’t _______(包含) making coffee for you. ③Gina’s birthday is coming. We will give her a big gift to s _______ her. 答案:①scientist ②


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