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精品 毕 业 论 文 课题名称 汽车后市场的研究 二级院(系)/专 业 机械工程系/汽车制造与装配技术 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 指导教师: 2012 年 02 月 20 日 汽车后市场的研究 摘要 中国汽车产业的市场化、一体化、多元化发展带动了整个汽车行业的稳步拓展与提升,面对行业快速发展、汽车产量和销售量持续上升的现状,如何能稳住发展的脚步,正式快速发展带来的多种优势和弊端,深化市场的体制改革,促进后市场全面可持续发展,成为社会所需要面临的严峻问题。中国汽车行业后市场潜力的巨大使众多国外汽车企业看到了中国市场这块大蛋糕潜在的巨大利益,他们纷纷进军国内市场迅速的占领市场份额,使中国的汽车市场呈现出多元化、综合化的发展趋势。随着这一竞争机制的引入,中国汽车的保有量呈逐年迅速上升的趋势,大大小小的国内外企业迅速扩展,相关的汽车产业链迅速扩张,由汽车销量的增加带动了一系列新兴产业的流行及发展,后市场的不断扩张使其成为绝对的利润来源,甚至是超过了汽车销售本身产生的利润。例如汽车保养业、美容业、维修、改装业、汽车保险、汽车救护、二手汽车行业等。许多家庭加入了购车者的行列、许多年轻人成了有车一族,中国的汽车行业还将以强有力的态势不断的扩大、持续的发展。 汽车制造业和车辆改装行业已经成为拉动我国城乡居民消费和国民经济持续增长的强有力的产业而作为汽车投放市场以后诸如汽车营销管理服务、技术评佑与鉴定、维修、检测、再交易、保险理赔、有关技术培训等一系列领域却还存在着许多明显的或潜在的问题,这是制约我国汽车行业继续健康发展和综合治理环境污染、能源浪费、交通秩序混乱所不可掉以轻心的。 本文就汽车后市场的初步认识和理解,旨在掌握中国汽车市场的大体情况,为年轻一代进驻汽车市场作为主力军做好初步准备。 关键词:汽车后市场 问题 对策 汽车营销 Abstract The status quo of Chinas automobile industry market, integration,diversification has led to steadily expanding and upgrading of the entire automotive industry, in the face of the rapid development of industry, automobile production and sales continued to rise, how can we stabilize the pace of development, formal fastdevelopment of a variety of advantages and disadvantages, and deepen reformof the market system, promote after market comprehensive and sustainable development has become a serious problem facingsociety. Huge market potential in the Chinese automotive industry,many foreign auto companies see the huge potential benefits of theChinese market this season, but they have to quickly capture the market share into the domestic market, Chinas auto marketshowing a wide range of comprehensive trends. With theintroduction of competition mechanism, the Chinese car ownershipwas rising rapidly year by year trend, the rapid expansion of large and small, domestic and foreign enterprises, the rapid expansion of the automotive industry chain, a series of new industries drivenby the increase in car sales the prevalence and development of the continuous expansion of the after-market


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