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《瑞普·凡·温克尔》的主题分析 Group 4 王雪源 吴 迪 文馨艺 陈功可 廖潇潇 Theme A 对瑞普所代表的自然和谐生活状态的赞赏 宁静的小村 悠闲的瑞普 美丽的景色 不变的山河 结尾的暗示 Theme B 对瑞普所代表的旧时代的落后思想的讽刺 忙碌的人 村庄的巨变 沃尔夫的漠然 谈论主题的改变 陌生人的冷嘲热讽 Theme C 变化发展的同时也要保留旧的传统和价值 老者认出瑞普,证实瑞普的故事 见到儿子、女儿和外孙 Conclusion——Main Theme Change With Continuity and Preservation of Tradition Conflicts Past ←→ Present Old ←→ New Leisure ←→ Work Innocence ←→ Experience Theme A ←→ Theme B My Understanding 欧文对其所处时代的社会发展的态度本质是矛盾的,他并非没有认识到社会的进步,他只是直觉地感受到作为个体的人的精神在这一过程中并没有得到本质的自由发展。 在欧文看来,独立后的人与人生活的社会以及自然环境并没有变得更加和谐,似乎变得更加矛盾。 从小说中,很容易读出欧文是个相对守旧的人,因而小说所流露出来的情感更多的是欧文对自然和谐的生活状态的向往。 * * Irving agrees on the preferability of the past to the present, and the preferability of a dream-like world to the real one, that is the peaceful natural world Rip gains no satisfaction from his twenty years’ escape, and he senses a loss of identity Although wrenching, radical changes are sometimes necessary to move society forward, such changes must not eradicate old ways and traditions entirely. Real, lasting change is an amalgam of the old and new. New builds on the foundations of the old. There must be continuity. Though, change has come to the village, their remain links with the past; there is continuity. New generations come along that bring change, but old values and traditions–as well as family lines–remain alive and thriving.


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