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PAGE PAGE 10 论 文 作品名称: 南岳野生猕猴桃扦插繁殖技术的研究 摘要:猕猴桃属于猕猴桃科猕猴桃属,为落叶藤本,被誉为“水果之王”。其果实酸甜爽口,含有人体需要的多种氨基酸、钙、磷、钾、镁等多种营养物质,特别是维生素C含量丰富,果汁中含有能阻断致癌物质亚硝基合成的活性物质。果、根、根皮等都具有很大的药用价值,因此猕猴桃作为水果、药材,是极具开发潜力的野生植物。南岳地区虽然具有丰富的野生猕猴桃资源,但是尚未得到开发利用。 但由于猕猴桃是雌雄异株的植物,用种子繁殖其后代变异性大。所以在经济生产中,猕猴桃多采用无性繁殖的方法进行繁殖。 针对此现象,本项目决定对南岳野生猕猴桃进行扦插实验,旨在找到南岳野生猕猴桃扦插所需的扦插基质、生根剂成分和浓度的最佳组合,为南岳野生猕猴桃的大量人工栽培提供理论依据以及在将来对其研究可以奠定一定的基础。同时随着经济的发展,人们对功能保健食品需求量的提高以及对其产品质量越来越在乎,而猕猴桃的扦插实验可以为人类对猕猴桃的质量和数量的要求提供一定的解决方法,发挥猕猴桃的自身的利用价值。 关键词:猕猴桃 无性繁殖 变异性 扦插基质 生根剂 浓度 Abstract:Kiwifruit belong to kiwi families of fallen leaves, kiwi fruit for fujimoto, is known as the king of the fruit. The fruit sour and sweet and refreshing, contain human needs of the DuoZhong amino acids, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and DuoZhong nutrients, particularly rich in vitamin C, fruit juice, can prevent carcinogenic substances contained in the synthesis of the active material nitro. Fruit, root, root skin has a lot of medicinal value, so kiwi fruit, medicinal materials, as is most development potential of wild plants. Le though has a wealth of wildlife in kiwi fruit resources, but has not been a development and utilization. But because the kiwi is the plant with seeds, dioecious breeding its offspring variability. So in the economic production, kiwi used more an asexual reproduction method. According to this phenomenon, this project decided to mount wild kiwi for cutting experiment, aims to find the cutting of wild kiwi le cutting matrix and rooting agent composition and concentration of the best combination for the wild kiwi fruit, le a lot of artificial cultivation provide theoretical basis and its research in the future can be laid a foundation. At the same time with the development of economy. People to the function health food demand for its products and improve the quality of care, and more and more of the kiwi fruit for human experiments can be cutting of kiwi fruit quality and quantity of required to provid


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