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PAGE PAGE 2 并获得较高的压电性能,同时前驱体粉体的合成温度相比于文献报道要降低很 多,值得进一步实验论证。 综上,本课题得到了一个最佳配方 0.7PZT-0.1PZN-0.2PNN(Zr/Ti=46/54), 在 1180°C 烧结时同时获得了高压电系数、高居里温度、高机电耦合系数、高矫 顽场、高场致应变和低损耗、低应变迟滞的压电陶瓷,同时较小的晶粒尺寸改善 了老化性能,在较高温度下仍然保持较好的极化状态,适用于高温大应变应用。 关键词: 0.7PZT-0.1PZN-0.2PNN 大应变 居里温度 晶粒尺寸 退极化 ABSTRACT In this paper, piezoelectric ceramics were prepared through a traditional solid solution method to achieve large-strain application. PLZT-PZN possesses extremely high piezoelectric properties, however, the introduction of La3+ leads to obvious decrease of Curie temperature (Tc). According to previous research, PZN possesses high Tc = 140 °C. But the formation of pyrochlore phase, which will seriously decrease piezoelectric performance, is unavoidable when using traditional solid solution method. PZT-PNN system exhibits extremely high piezoelectric properties but the Tc of PNN is -120 °C. The combination of PZN and PNN is promising to meet the requirements of large-strain piezoelectric ceramics. 0.7PZT-xPZN-(0.3-x)PNN (x = 0.07, 0.10, 0.07, 0.10, 0.20) ceramics were synthesized through traditional solid solution method and optimal piezoelectric d33 was 550 pC/N when PZN content reached 10 mol%. MPB was determined to be between 45/55 and 46/54, and the best properties: d33 = 550-570 pC/N, Tc = 252 °C, tanδ = 1.45-1.65%. The piezoelectric properties obviously increased when using new sintering method which effectively improved the concentration of Pb atmosphere. The best molding and poling conditions: dry pressing with 400 MPa, poled in silicone oil bath under 2.7 kV/mm DC field at 120 °C for 10-15 min. The ceramics sintered at 1180 °C with composition Zr/Ti = 46/54 possessed optimal piezoelectric and dielectric properties: d33 ≈ 640 pC/N, ε33T/ε0 ≈ 3300, tanδ ≈ 1.85%, Kp = 0.655, Tc = 272 °C. The XRD analysis confirmed the MPB composition. SEM results showed that the sintering temperature had significant influence on grain size. Smaller grain size helped to improve the aging performance



peili2018 + 关注


