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单招生英语学习方式优化研究 中文摘要 单招生英语学习方式优化研究 中文摘要 我国新一轮的课程改革以“为了每位学生的发展”为宗旨,力求全面推行素质教 育,注重把学生培养成具有创新能力和实践能力的人。本次课改中的一个核心目标是 课程功能的改变,即从过于注重知识传授的倾向转变为强调形成学生积极主动的学习 态度,使学生获得基础知识与基本技能的同时学会学习和形成正确的价值观。而要实 现这一转变的一个关键点是学生学习方式的优化。学习方式的优化将有助于实现“以 人为本、全面发展”的教育理念,并有助于激发学生学习的积极性、主动性、探索性。 本研究从学习方式及学习方式优化的解读出发,以建构主义学习理论和多元智能 理论为根基,调查单招生学习方式使用现状,分析当前学习方式中存在的诸多问题, 并通过教学实验得出引导学生优化学习方式的途径。 笔者的研究以学生为主体,从学生的学习理念和学习行为,教师的教学设计和教 学评价方面对学习方式进行优化。本研究主要采用问卷调查和教学实验对比的研究方 法。通过研究,得出以下结论: (1)单招生学习方式偏向被动、单一的接受型学习方式,但是教师可以引导学 生优化学习方式,从单一向多样化转变。 (2)学习方式的优化,有助于增加英语学习兴趣,增强自信心,提高学生对自 主、合作、探究学习的认识和提升学习成绩。 关键词:单招生 英语学习方式 英语学习方式的优化 作 者:方 蕾 指导老师:高明强 I Abstract A Study on Optimization of Vocational School Students’ English Learning Style A Study on Optimization of Vocational School Students’ English Learning Style Abstract China’s new curriculum reform, whose purpose is for every student’s development, aims to promote comprehensive quality education. It also emphasizes the nurturing of students’ creative ability and practical ability. The key goal of this curriculum reform is to change the curriculum function. Too much importance has been attached to the teaching of knowledge. Teachers should put emphasis on developing students’ positive and active attitude towards learning, which not only enables students to gain the basic knowledge and basic techniques but also helps them form correct values. The optimization of learning styles is the key. Optimization of learning styles will contribute to the “people-centered, comprehensive development” philosophy of education and help inspire students’ study enthusiasm, initiative, and exploration. The study, based on constructivist learning theory and multiple intelligence theory, begins with learning styles and optimization of learning styles. The paper researches the current situation of vocational school students’ learning styles and analyzes those problems existing in the current learning styles, then finds the solutions to guidance of optimization of learning styles through



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