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Along with the rapid economic development, substantial leap of productivity levels and the rapid updating generations of technology capability, large industrial enterprises emerge one after another. Unknowingly, the rapid development of large industrial enterprises have already accompanied with the high-speed economic growth of the world. Chongqing, which is located in the southwest and values industry as the important driver of economic growth is without exception. Under these circumstances, the research which is based on contribution rate of large industrial enterprises to economic growth is very meaningful. Also, the research which is based on the relationship between the indexes of the large industrial enterprises and the economic growth is meaningful too. From the beginning of the main structure of the article is the theory analysis. The article discusses the theory of the scale economy and economic growth, scope economy and economic growth of the large industrial enterprises. The article also discusses the theory of the efficiency and economic growth, the organization and economic growth, and the ability of innovation and economic growth. At last, the paper summarizes the theoretical foundation of the research. Then the article analyzes the status of large industrial enterprises in Chongqing. It discusses the distribution characteristics, the main advantages compared with the small and medium-sized industrial enterprises and the advantages and gap compared with the top 50 enterprises in Chongqing and the Chinese top 500 manufacturing enterprises. After the analysis of theory and present situation, the paper comes into the empirical analysis stage. First of all, the article uses the Cobb - Douglas function and Solow residual value as the measurement model, and HYPERLINK /s?wd=calculate calculates the contribution rate of large industrial enterprises to economic growth. The next, it selects three indexes wh
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