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农村金融问题是我国“三农”问题的重要组成部分,也是影响我国金融体系健康 发展和完善的薄弱环节。为解决农村金融问题,在农村金融存量改革难以取得突破性 进展的情况下,农村金融增量改革被提上议事日程。2007 年,我国开始了村镇银行 的试点,并相继出台多部推动村镇银行发展的法律法规,村镇银行如雨后春笋般发展 起来,截止到 2011 年末,全国已组建村镇银行 726 家。村镇银行在缓解农村金融供 求矛盾、完善农村金融体系和改善农村市场竞争结构等方面发挥着越来越重要的作 用。由于村镇银行成立时间比较短,还处于在探索中发展的阶段,在试点以及实际运 营过程中还存在诸多问题,如何解决这些问题并实现村镇银行的良性发展,已成为国 内外学者广泛研究的热点课题。
本文在总结世界范围内典型村镇银行组织模式的基础上,对国外村镇银行组织模 式的成功经验进行系统归纳并加以借鉴,然后对我国村镇银行组织模式的现状进行分 析,继而在组织理论与组织创新理论的指导下,从完善公司治理结构、构建扁平化组 织结构、优化业务流程和塑造企业文化等四个方面提出完善村镇银行内部组织模式的 对策,从金融企业集群的角度研究村镇银行的外部组织模式,建立村镇银行之间以及 村镇银行与其他金融机构之间的互惠合作关系。
关键词:农村金融 村镇银行 组织模式
Rural financial problem is an important part of the problems about agriculture, rural areas and peasantry in China. It is also a weak link which restricts the sound development of Chinese rural financial system. Rural financial incremental reform has been put on the agenda in order to solve the rural financial problem. In 2007, Chinese government started experimental work on village banks, several laws and regulations were enacted, therefore village banks are getting rapid development. By the end of the year 2011, there have been 726 village banks in our country. Village banks play more and more important role in rural financial supply and demand contradiction and in perfecting rural financial system and in improving the competitive structure of rural financial market. There are some problems due to village banks being still in initial stage and their young. It has been a hot subject which is widely studied by scholars at home and abroad on how to solve the problems and accelerate the sound development of village banks.
This paper summarizes the typical foreign village banks’ organization pattern and concludes the successful experience and draws lessons from them firstly. Then the paper analyses the current situation of village banks’ organization pattern in our country. And then the organization theory and organizational innovation theory are used to study village banks’ organization pattern. This pap
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