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初中教师课堂有效调控行为研究 中文摘要 课堂调控是教师在教学活动中根据教与学的双边活动情况,及时调整教学方 法或采取相应补救措施的教学控制行为。课堂调控技能发挥得好,对提高教学效 率,激发学生求知欲,调节课堂气氛,改善学生情绪,沟通师生情感,改善教学 过程等有着重要作用。 为了使广大中学教师能够更好地进行有效的课堂调控,本文通过定性分析和 问卷调查相结合,研究了有效的课堂调控行为的标准及实施策略,指出提高课堂 调控行为的有效性应从以下几个方面入手: 1、加强课堂纪律。课堂纪律的维持与教师的威信、领导作风、班级人数的 多少、学生年龄特征、班风、班集体的性质等等因素都有密切的联系。教师要维 持好课堂纪律,除了要改善师生关系、领导作风及提高自己的威信外,还需要与 学生一起讨论课堂管理的方法。 2、修炼师德。通过自己的仪表风度及由此体现出来的敬业态度、人格魅力、 精神风貌来影响、感染和教育学生,潜移默化地去影响学生的身心健康发展。 3、重视教学策略。如暗示法、冷处理法、提问法、无声法、活动法等。 4、让学生分享课堂管理权。师生共同参与,既能增强学生对班级的归属感 和向心力,也能满足学生自治和独立的需要,同时也助于建立教师的可信度。 5、掌握课堂调控的技巧。包括制定一套学生接受的课堂常规;得到学生认 可;创设和谐的课堂环境;良好的课堂教学设计等。 关键词:初中教师;课堂调控;有效性 作 者:查伟燕 指导教师:崔玉平 Research on Teachers’ Behavior of Effectively Controlling the Classroom in Junior Middle School Abstract Class control is those teacher’s actions, through which, teachers adjust their teaching methods or controlling behaviors according to the actuality of teaching and studying. A good controlling behavior could be benefit to improve teaching efficiency, studying desire, class tone, students’ emotion, and teaching process. This study researches the standards and the tactics of class controlling through qualitative analysis and questionnaire investigation, in order to make middle school teachers controlling class more effectively. We should improve the effectiveness of class controlling behaviors from below: Firstly, strengthen the class discipline. A good class discipline is relational to prestige of teacher, style of headship, number of students, age character of students, tune of class, quality of class, and so on. For maintaining a good class discipline, teacher should not only improve the relation with student, style of headship, and prestige of themselves, but also discuss the managing methods with student. Secondly, refine teachers’ virtue. Teacher should promote the development of student’s psychology and physiology through the attitude of job, charm of personality and style of spirit. Thirdly, regard the teaching tactic. For instance, dropping a hint, cold p



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